“It’s a boy,” he said and Kenny and Waylan cheered, then high-fived one another.

“Can I see Mommy?” Kenny asked before Ford or Evan could ask any questions. They stood up and everyone hugged, then Laverty took Jessica from Evan.

“Just wait a little longer while they clean up and Mommy rests a bit. The baby gave a little trouble coming and, well, he’s a big boy. Nine pounds, eight ounces.”

Ford whistled. “Damn.”

“Why don’t you and Evan go in and see Lois, and then come back to get the boys and Jessica,” Laverty said.

Ford looked at Kenny and his disappointed expression.

“Kenny is coming in with us. Waylan and Jessica can stay here with you. After all, he’s one of the men in the house,” Ford said and reached out and rubbed Kenny’s head, but Kenny didn’t look angry or push Ford’s hand away, taking annoyance in him rubbing his head. Instead, Kenny smiled and straightened his shoulders, then opened the door. “Let’s go,” he said and Evan and Ford laughed and followed Kenny into the room.

The sight of Lois lying in bed, the baby in her arms and Ghost right beside her caressing her hair, brought tears to Ford’s eyes. The midwife and Doc Carter congratulated them and Kenny smiled wide.

“You done good, Mamma. Scared me a little this time, but ya done good.”

Ford and Evan laughed, so did Ghost, and Lois smiled.

“Thank you, Kenny. Come on over and see your baby brother Connor.” Kenny approached and leaned down and kissed his mamma’s cheek first before kissing baby Connor’s cheek.

“I’m going to take good care of you, Connor. Don’t you worry. Plus, we have a great mamma and awesome daddies who love us. Welcome to the Brazos family.”

* * * *

Vye looked at the clock by the front office. It was almost time to head home. She could hear the class going on in the other room. No one was expected to come now as she gathered up all the files and made sure everything was in order for tomorrow. She walked into the back office and remembered that she needed to make another two copies of the document one of the men had given her today. As she ran it through, she heard footsteps approaching. A glance over her shoulder and there was Pierce. He stopped short and eyed her over making her body hum with awareness as she took in the sight of him. Thick, reddish-brown beard, serious, cold eyes, crew cut hair, and a tight, military green shirt pressed against major muscles. He wore a pair of relaxed camo pants that were baggy and combat boots underneath. He looked lethal.

“Hi,” she said and then looked back at the last paper coming out of the machine. She noticed the print was messed up.

“Hi,” he said and she exhaled.

“Damn it. How did that happen?” She bent down to lift the top part of the printer up to see if the ink cartridges were in place. She moved them around.

“Something wrong?” he asked, standing close behind her. She turned to look at him just as he bent over to see under the printer and her chin hit his cheek. He stared into her eyes. Her lips parted, then tightened as one large hand held onto her hip and the other went against the printer. The man was even fiercer up close, and the look in his eyes right now did crazy things to her.

“Don’t look so scared of me.”

“I’m not.” He widened both eyes and raised both eyebrows up at her. She squinted and made the mistake of relaxing. “I’m not,” she said and went to turn, but he cupped her cheek and held her chin and cheek firmly while he looked down into her eyes.

“You sure look scared,” he said and his eyes zer

oed in on her lips, then back to her eyes again.

“Well, I’m not, Pierce.”

“Hmm,” he said, but didn’t step back.

He stroked her hip, and then up her blouse, against her ribs. “Pierce.”

“I don’t want you to be scared of me. Not ever,” he said.

“I’m not scared, just intimidated a little,” she added, not wanting him to know exactly how deeply he affected her. He was so big and tall, too. Even in the low heels, he towered over her, and that beard of his, and those eyes, they did her in.

“Intimidated? Why?” he asked and continued to stroke her side. She took a deep breath, her breasts hitting his shirt, and he looked down and licked his lips. “How?”

“Your muscles, the size of you. Your beard and you have this wild look about you.”

“All good things that can make you feel safe, protected, and special,” he said, then slowly began to lower his mouth to hers. She turned the last second and his mouth hit her neck. He didn’t pull back. He inhaled and wrapped her in his arms and drew her close against his chest.