h concern in his eyes.

“Everything will be just fine. You’ll see,” Ford said, but he felt nervous, too, even though they all had Waylan and Jessica just fine. “Laverty and Ghost are in there with her now. You know your fathers, and how Ghost is, do you think he would let anything happen to Mamma or the baby?” Evan asked, joining in the conversation.

“No, sir,” Kenny replied.

“No, sir,” Waylan added and then snuggled up next to Evan’s side and held onto his arm. Evan locked gazes with Ford, who nodded. Kenny looked at Ford.

“I guess it was good that Mamma was at the bank where a lot of people were. That way she had help immediately.”

“Yup,” Ford said and looked toward the door waiting to get a word on Lois. Now he was starting to get really nervous, too.

“Vye must have been so scared when she was caught in the rain storm on the bridge in her car and ready to have Benny,” Kenny said very seriously and Ford looked at him.

“She could have drowned, and baby Benny, too. It’s not fair Benny don’t have Daddies,” Waylan said in his little six-year-old voice. So this was where the boy’s concern was coming from, as well. They cared about Vye and Benny so much. Kenny loved going by to see them, to talk to Vye and even walk with her and Benny in the stroller. He was acting like a father for Benny. Ford’s heart filled with emotion. Lois was an amazing mamma who taught her children so much. She taught them love, protected them, made them strive for better things, and to explore the world and all it had to offer. Kenny was going to grow up and be a good man, a good father and husband one day. Ford felt proud. He gave one look at his brother Evan, and Evan nodded.

“Why don’t the McCann brothers take care of Vye and Benny and be Benny’s daddies and Vye’s husbands like you did for Mamma and me when we were alone and scared? They like her a bunch. Doesn’t she like them?” Kenny asked.

Ford smirked.

“Well, son, that’s something they would have to work out. I’m not sure how their feelings are, and you know that Vye went through a lot.”

“I heard,” he said and looked away. Ford squinted and looked at Evan, who narrowed his eyes as if unaware how Kenny would know anything that happened in Vye’s life.

“What do you mean you heard?” Ford asked.

Kenny looked at Waylan.

Waylan looked at Ford. “Benny’s daddy was a bad man and he could come to Salvation to find Vye at any time. He hurt Vye bad, like my biological dad hurt Mommy.”

Ford felt the pain in his chest, his heart ached. It was crazy that Kenny referred to his father as “biological.” Usually he didn’t mention the man ever, but Ford figured it was Kenny’s way of giving his dad a label to differentiate.

“Where did you hear this?” Evan asked and raised one of his eyebrows up at Kenny and Waylan.

“Come on, really. We listen and hear. Tex and his brothers need to protect Vye and to love her the right way so she isn’t always scared. She’s alone and Benny needs them, too. You need to make them her guardians, Daddy. Then that bad man won’t ever be able to hurt Benny and Vye, and the McCanns can make Vye happy and loved like you guys did for our mamma,” Kenny said and then stood up and started to pace.

“When are they going to come out here?” he stated in frustration and Ford chuckled.

“Patience, son. You need to be patient.”

“He’s got a point. You fixin’ on assigning guardianship of Vye to the McCanns, or to Trey and Avery Parker and their brothers?”

“What?” Kenny asked, overhearing. If there was any question how the kid knew about Vye’s ex-boyfriend—or use of the term “biological”—it was just answered.

“You eavesdropping, son?” Evan asked very seriously.

Kenny walked closer with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“The McCanns are going to be Benny’s daddies and Vye’s husbands. No doubt.”

“But Trey and Avery Parker and their three brothers have interest and are good men.” Ford teased.

Kenny swallowed, looked away, and then looked back at Ford. “Pierce, Frankie, Kendrick, Lou, and Tex look at Vye the way you and your brothers look at Mamma. It’s special and powerful. Can’t mess with that. Not even as sheriff,” he said to Ford then turned away.

Evan chuckled and Ford shook his head.

From the mouth of babes. Can’t argue that.

The door opened and Laverty appeared, smiling wide and looking relieved.