“I’ll have someone carry them out for you.”

“Great,” she said and took down the carrier and headed out of the office. She got Benny into the stroller and then Doc Carter wound up carrying the two large bags of baby clothes out to the car. That’s when she saw Trey and Avery standing by the bench. Sheriff Brazos was over to the side talking to Tex and Kendrick. Then all their eyes went to her, the baby, and Doc Carter.

Before Kendrick or Tex could move, Trey and Avery were there offering their assistance. “Need some help?” Avery asked and took the bags from Doc Carter. Doc said hello and then looked toward Ford, Kendrick, and Tex, and then smiled.

“Let me unlock the door,” she said and walked closer to the car with the stroller.

“Give me the keys and I’ll do it,” Trey said, holding out his hand. She felt completely uneasy and untrusting.

“I’ve got it. Thanks.” She unlocked the door. They put the bags into the backseat. She locked the doors back up and glanced toward Ford, Tex, and Hendricks. Tex and Hendricks looked good. Their expressions hardened, serious as Avery placed a hand on her shoulder, drawing her attention back to him and Trey.

“How about that lunch and the stroll through town?” he asked.

She stared at him. He was good looking and close to her age. Trey held her gaze.

“Or just to the boutique to show you where it is,” he said.

“I have to get back to the farm. I’m supposed to work the register later today for a couple of hours. In fact, I might just take Benny for a short walk through town and then back home for lunch,” she said and stepped to the side.

“Morning, Vye, how did the doctor’s appointment go?” Ford asked, joining them. She smiled.

“It went well. Benny’s doing great.”

“I’ll talk to you later, Evonna. Have a good day and remember what we talked about,” Doc said and winked, then smiled at Tex and Kendrick.

“Hey, Tex, Kendrick.” Doc gave a wave, then a handshake before excusing himself to head inside.

Kendrick stepped into Avery and Trey’s way and bent down to look at Benny.

“Hey, big guy, how are you?” he asked and smiled at Benny. Benny’s eyes lit up and she couldn’t help but smile, too.

Ford’s phone rang and he answered it, excusing himself a minute.

She felt the hand on her hip and Tex right next to her.

“Appointment went well? You don’t need for anything?” he asked her. She stared up at Tex’s tanned, chiseled face and her heart began to race, pound against her chest at his close proximity and his words. He slid his hand along her belly and she thought she might pass out. He towered over her, his arm huge, muscular, and his scent of cologne combined with cigar smoke did something to her body.

She was so intimidated by the man she couldn’t speak. She just shook her head indicating she didn’t need anything.

“Lou said he might stop in and show you around town. He might have gotten caught up at the bank.”

“It’s Lois! She’s going into labor. Her water broke at the bank. Lou is with her,” Sheriff Ford exclaimed and then started to run down the sidewalk.


“Oh man, that’s crazy. Her water broke?” Avery said, looking kind of disgusted.

Vye watched the sheriff high tail it down the block. “Exciting time. He’ll want to be there for his woman, just like his brothers, so they can enjoy the birth of another child,” Kendrick said.

“She’s lucky to have them. He’s been so nervous,” she added, trying to hide the emotion she felt seeing Ford’s reaction and how he dropped everything to get to his woman as she delivered the baby. Tears filled her eyes.

Kendrick reached out and stroked her cheek.

“We were there for you. You weren’t alone,” he said as if reading her mind. A tear escaped and she quickly wiped it away and forced a smile.

Avery cleared his throat.

“Well, we were just going to walk Vye and Benny around town and show them the boutique.”