“We can’t give her what she needs. We don’t even know what tomorrow will bring, or next week, next month or the next mission,” Tex exclaimed.

“We’re done doing missions. We know what’s coming. These classes, this job offered to us. Instead of it being temporary, we can make it permanent and settle down here,” Lou stated.

“With Vye? You think she wants forty-year-old, washed up soldiers when men closer to her age are hitting on her, looking to be her guardians?” Tex said and Lou swallowed hard.

“The attraction is there,” Lou said firmly.

“Enough of this. We need to get ready for the class,” Tex said and Lou looked at Frankie, Pierce, and Kendrick. They were straight faced and not giving up any info on their emotions or what they felt or thought. So Lou dropped it. He had some thinking to do. He really was attracted to Vye. He was willing to help her raise another man’s baby, a man who abused her, assaulted her, and treated her like shit. He could give her what she deserved, what Benny deserved. A loving relationship, a father, a husband—hell, he really cared about her a lot.

* * * *

Vye was bending over, getting the car seat out of the backseat when she heard someone clear their throat. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw two cowboys. She recognized them from the other day at work. They had come in to take some classes with a few of their friends.

“Morning, Vye. You need a hand?” the one blond cowboy, Trey, offered.

“Oh, thank you, Trey, but I’m good. How are you?” she asked, pulling out the car seat and then checking on baby Benny. She pulled down the top visor to keep the sun from his eyes. His brother Avery held the stroller that the car seat locked into.

“I’ll hold this while you get the baby in.”

She gave him a small smile, but she honestly felt a little uncomfortable. All week at the training center, guy after guy flirted with her, talked to her about town events coming up and hinted about going out. She really wasn’t interested in dating anyone. In fact, she thought the last thing she needed was another man or men in her life trying to tell her what to do and make demands. She had plans, goals, and coming to Salvation offered her the opportunity to achieve them because of the help she had from Ella and the men.

She put the small diaper bag under the stroller and grabbed her purse. Then she closed the door and locked it as Trey looked into the stroller.

“He’s adorable, Vye. Looks just like his mamma,” he said and gave her a wink.

“Thanks,” she said and adjusted the strap on her shoulder, being sure that her top was not too low. She needed some new clothes. Things were getting bigger and bigger on her. If Benny was okay she was going to walk him in the stroller around town and check out the local boutique.

“Where ya heading off to?” Trey asked.

“Doc Carter’s for Benny’s checkup.”

“Want to grab something to eat in town, or maybe we can walk you around and show you all the great places?” Avery asked. She felt bad and didn’t want to be rude. They really seemed nice.

“I don’t know. I was just going to see how the baby is and if he’s not fussy, then maybe check out one of the clothing stores.”

“We can show you,” Avery said and she swallowed hard.

“I’ll see. Let me go do the appointment,” she replied and started walking the stroller down the sidewalk. She noticed people looked at her, the baby, and smiled as Avery and Trey walked along with her.

“Do you need some company for the appointment?” Trey asked.

She looked at him. “I’m good.”

“Well, a woman shouldn’t have to do these things on her own. It isn’t right,” Avery said. She felt embarrassed. So they were being nice because they felt bad she was a single mom? Is that why Lou offered to come along today, too? Annoyed, she rolled her eyes and headed to the office.

“Vye?” Avery said and Trey stood right by him.

“Listen, you both seem like really nice guys and all, but I don’t need taking care of. I appreciate the neighborly offer, but no thank you,” she said and turned to head into the office. Trey held the door open.

“It wasn’t just us being neighborly. A woman as beautiful and young as you, shouldn’t have a burden like this alone because some guy was a jerk and didn’t stand by you.”

“A burden? Benny is a blessing, Trey, not a burden. Have a nice day,” she said and entered the waiting room at the doctor’s office. There were a few people in there and they’d heard her response to Trey. They kind of looked a bit taken back. She had to get used to this small-town mentality. Where she came from, no one cared what insul

ting thing someone said to another person.

She signed in, gave the woman at the front desk a smile, and then took a seat and looked at Benny. He was wide awake and staring at her. She smiled and stroked his cheek.

“Hey there, handsome. You ready to see Doc Carter again?” she asked, moving his hands and arms. He reached for her, wanting her to pick him up. It seemed as if he missed her a bunch when she was working. That was definitely one of the downfalls of having to work instead of staying home and taking care of Benny. Money talked, and without it they wouldn’t have a future. It made her feel bad, but no matter what, he came first. Her son was going to go to school, make good friends, grow up in a safe, loving community and be successful. Making those things happen was her primary job. She was his advocate and no man, no negative influences, were going to get in her way of making sure her baby had a good life. She caressed his hand. This cradle won’t fall. Mamma’s got you, Benny. I love you.