“More fucking guys hitting on her? What the fuck, man?” Kendrick said, taking a peak out of the doorway.

“She looks incredible,” Frankie said to them and put his bag down onto the seat.

“I know. So healthy, vibrant, and a lot better than the night she had Benny,” Tex said, then handed over a clipboard to Frankie. “You and Kendrick have twenty men in your group. Pierce and I have the same amount.”

“And Lou?” Frankie asked.

“He’s going to be working with Vye on the registrants coming in, helping her understand what each course offers and what is required. She’ll gain a better understanding of the work we’re trying to conduct here.”

“How did he get so lucky?” Frankie asked feeling jealous.

“He was here to draw straws with us. You’re late,” Tex said, then walked away. It seemed Tex was kind of in a bad mood, too.

Frankie looked back to where Vye was just as Kendrick was looking.

“You’d think those fucking men never saw an attractive woman before. Jesus, they’re relentless,” Kendrick stated in annoyance and grabbed his bag, then headed out of the room. Frankie followed. This was going to be hell.

* * * *

Lou walked into the back room to where Vye was feeding Benny. He cleared his throat and she placed a hand over her top, ensuring that he couldn’t see. The movement came too late though. She prepared her own lunch and ate as Benny ate.

“Where is Ella?” he asked.

“Oh, she ran down the road to the store really quick. She’ll be back soon. It looks like a light afternoon today,” she said to him, holding his gaze. The baby moved and she adjusted her top, placed the cloth over her shoulder, and began to burp him. Lou couldn’t stop the smile that formed, nor could he not reach out and stroke the baby’s head.

“My God he’s getting big. He eat a lot?” he asked, taking the seat next to her.

She smiled and looked at her baby with such love and care.

“He sure does. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to breastfeed him. I have an appointment with Doc on Saturday. I’ll talk to him about supplementing some cereal into the bottles or something. Plus, it will make it easier for babysitting,” she said, then the baby burped and they both laughed.

“What time is your appointment Saturday?” he asked.


“You need a ride, or some company? I can help you out. I know Saturdays are busy at the farm for Ella and them,” he added, feeling kind of stupid for asking her. He didn’t even know why he did. He just said what was on his mind.

“I think I’ll be fine, Lou. After all, I’m a single mom, and that’s something I need to handle alone.”

He stared at her. Saw the emotion in her eyes. He wanted to tell her she didn’t have to be alone. That he would be here for her, but she seemed to be adamant about handling everything alone, except for watching Benny. She had no choice if she wanted to work. If she were his woman…

He stood up. “I need to head back. Do you need anything?”

She smiled. “I’m good. Thank you, Lou,” she said and he stared at her as she looked at the baby, kissed his head, and snuggled with him. She was a survivor, a strong woman, and she probably feared all men now, especially soldiers since it seemed her boyfriend had been one. Not a good one obviously, whomever the dick was. As he headed toward the door he saw Tex standing there and he looked pissed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Tex whispered as they walked from the room.


“You know what.”

Lou looked back toward the room and then at Tex. “I like her. I care about her and Benny.”

“What are you fucking saying? We all like her, care about her, and want what is best for her,” Tex said and then continued down the hallway.

“I think it’s more than that. I want to protect her,” Lou said, joining the others in the room. Pierce, Kendrick, and Frankie were setting things up for the afternoon class. Just one and they could head home.

Tex swung around and pointed at him.