She smiled and then looked down at Benny who just started to blink his eyes open.

“Looks like he heard that,” she said and stood up. Ford reached out and stroked his cheek.

“He’s a cutie. You’re a good mom, Vye. Keep it up,” he said and winked. She smiled. “Thank you, Ford.”

“Let’s head inside, then I need to get back to work. I’ll have one of the dads drive you by the job location in town, that way you’ll know how to get there.”

“Great,” she said, and as they headed inside she couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions about seeing the McCann brothers again. Then, she realized it would be nice to see them.

* * * *

Frankie walked into the building and the first sight he saw knocked him for a loop. His breath caught in his throat, his eyes widened, and he had to do a double take. Evonna was leaning over the counter helping three men fill out paper work, and the three men were staring at her chest, not the paper.

She looked up as he removed his sunglasses and took in the sight of her himself. She looked drop dead gorgeous—like make a man halt in his tracks, his dick instantly hard, and completely lose his train of thought. He felt jealous, pissed off at the three men obviously hitting on her, and he showed it.

“You guys need to fill out the paperwork at your departments and get approval first before showing up here.” He scolded. The three men stood up straighter, but one looked back at Evonna and gave a wink.

“Vye here was assisting us with the paperwork. Our captain called her up an hour ago and said we were on our way over,” the man stated.

“The fax machine isn’t working, Frankie. Tex is back there with Linda trying to fix it right now,” Vye said and then looked back at the three men.

“Why don’t you fill out the rest of this over there, and then I’ll get it all filed and your confirmation sheets printed for you so you can take the class you wanted,” she said to the guy who’d winked at her.

“Sure thing, doll. I think we’ll be interested in taking a lot of classes here. You’re so sweet. Make a man feel real welcome and all,” he said and gave her a wink. Frankie watched Vye handle the man with finesse.

“That is awfully sweet of you, Tyler. I appreciate the compliment.” She then turned around and walked toward the computer and started typing away.

Frankie stared as the guy checked out her ass in the slim fitting black skirt she wore. Her legs were bare, no stockings, and she wore open-toed heels and a pretty white blouse. She was thin, too. No one would know the woman had a baby. He came around the counter and greeted her hello. She gave a big smile.

“Hi, Frankie. It’s good to see you again,” she said to him. He stepped closer and placed a hand on her hip and she tightened up.

Staring down into her gorgeous baby blue eyes, he felt so much it was shocking.

“How are you feeling? You sure you’ll be up to this? What about baby Benny? He needs his mamma close,” he said sort of loudly. She smiled.

“He is doing great. I need to make money though. I’m hoping to move into my own place if the opportunity arises.”

“Your own place? Baby, you need to be careful,” he whispered and looked around them, but then back down into her eyes. That gorgeous platinum blonde hair cascaded along her shoulders and down her back. The dip in her blouse revealed the deep cleavage of her breasts. She was well endowed, sexy, petite, and feminine. He felt protective of her. Like him and his brothers had a responsibility—yeah, a responsibility—to watch over her, considering how they’d met.

She touched his arm and then pulled back, obviously feeling the same attraction he was feeling.

“I’m good. I think this wil

l work out perfectly. Plus, at lunch time, when I take my break, Ella or one of the men will bring by Benny for me to feed him. That way I won’t need to pump all that extra milk and make the bottles,” she whispered to him. He glanced down at her breasts. Lucky little Benny. Damn, the woman was hot. He couldn’t believe his thoughts. She was a mommy feeding her baby and he was envious. Fuck.

He pulled back and let his hand slide slowly off her hip. He licked his lower lip.

“Well, you call one of us if you need anything at all,” he said before Linda appeared.

“It’s fixed, and just in time. This place is going to start filling up soon. Let’s get ready for them, Vye,” she said.

“Good morning, Frankie. You’re looking good,” Linda flirted.

But Frankie turned away from her and reached out to stroke Vye’s cheek, then tap her chin with his pointer finger. “Anything you need, you find one of us. Understood?”

“Yes, Frankie. Thank you,” she replied softly, making his dick even harder. How the fuck was he going to train a class? Fuck. He walked away and into the main room and saw Tex and Kendrick, then he glanced back out toward where Vye was, once again by the front counter as more men came in for the program. They smiled wide, checked her out, and he was all pissed off and jealous again.

* * * *