“You look amazing, Vye. No one would even think you had a baby. I guess those workouts you do and the special meals you prep really work. I’m going to need your help to take this baby weight off.”

“Sounds good to me. We can put them in the stroller and walk, or even jog,” Vye said to her and smiled.

“Sounds like a plan. Did Ford stop by and tell you about the part-time job being offered at the police training center?” Vye shook her head.

“There’s a program that’s started. A security and defense thing. They get specialists to come in and train law enforcement personnel from the four surrounding towns. Anyway, they need someone to run the front desk and help register the officers as they come in for training sessions they’ve signed up in advance for. The person would just keep everything logged and maintain documents. Anyway, Ford will probably explain it to you. He thought it might be a good part-time job for you. The place is opened Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from nine to two.”

She glanced up at Ghost, who placed his hands on Lois’s shoulders and massaged them.

“I don’t know. It’s soldier and police and stuff?” Vye said.

“Yeah, that’s a pretty safe place to be.”

“I guess I’ll see what he says,” she replied, but wasn’t certain.

“I thought I heard you all come in. Ford just pulled up, too. Come on inside for some sweet tea. I also made cookies,” Ella said and the kids carried on and ran into the house.

“Wash those hands,” Lois said and went to stand up with Ghost’s help.

“This baby needs to come already,” she said and Vye chuckled.

“Is Vye out here?” she heard Ford say, and Evan and Laverty told him yes. Vye turned around and smiled as Ford smiled, too.

He stopped Lois and kissed her tenderly. “Doc says any day now. I don’t want you traveling too far from town,” he said to her.

Lois rolled her eyes. “No risk in that.”

He gave her a wink, then held his Stetson in his hand. “Did Lois mention the job opportunity?”

“She mentioned a little bit about it. What else can you tell me about it?”

“It pays twenty an hour.”


“Yes. That’s why I kind of secured it for you already. Had to negotiate some terms with Linda in admin, but as soon as I mentioned that it was you, she agreed.”

Vye felt a bit embarrassed. So many people knew her as the woman who nearly had a baby in her car alone on the bridge with the risk of drowning and being swept away.

“It starts Monday. You’ll know a few of the men in charge there.”

“I will?”

“Sure thing. Pierce, Tex, Frankie, Lou, and Kendrick are instructors and run almost all the training programs.”

She nibbled her bottom lip.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like them? They’re good men.”

“Oh, I know they are. I owe them so much for rescuing me and taking me in, but I’m still feeling a bit embarrassed about it I guess. I haven’t seen them in a while.”

“Well, I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you. They’re like the first friends you made in Salvation. Think of it that way.”

“I guess so. Okay then. What are the responsibilities?” she asked, and Ford told her a little bit about how things would go and that Linda would explain a lot and help her at first to get things organized, but that Vye had control over the organization of everything.

“Well that’s great. I can definitely handle it. Thank you so much for thinking of me and securing this. I won’t let you down or embarrass you, Ford,” she said and Ford smiled.

“Embarrass me? Honey, you are a gem. You’ll love it. The hours are perfect and if you miss Benny too much, Ella can bring him by to see you at lunch time.”