“It’s been a couple of months since we went by her aunt’s house and nothing. Still no sign of her. Where could she be?” Murdock asked Detrix.

Detrix lowered down and snorted a line of cocaine, then sniffled and wiped his nose.

“Beats the fuck out of me. You should just forget about her. You’ve been screwing anything in a skirt since she said she was pregnant anyway. Who gives a fuck? Besides, if she was still around, you’d have to pay that child support shit.”

Murdock leaned back into the couch. She’d been hot and a virgin. He’d taken her virginity and knocked her up. She was obedient, submissive, and petite. He could control her. For some reason, the fact that she had the guts to disappear and take off with his kid pissed him off. It was like he wanted to be the one to kick her to the curb. Like this, though, he was the one being kicked to the curb. She’d stripped him of his authority, his manhood, and power, and it enraged him. The bitch needed another good beating. By now she’d probably had the baby. She would be back in shape and fuckable again.

“I’m going to hire someone to look for her.”

“You’re fucking obsessed. That pussy was that fucking good, man?”

“You help me and you’ll find out just how good it was.”

Detrix’s eyes widened.

“You’d let me tap that sweet, young thing? Damn, you are obsessed with finding her and getting it again. What about the baby?”

“The fuck if I care. I want her back, and after we have ourselves a little party with her, then she can go back to wherever she disappeared to. Maybe,” he said, and then leaned down and aligned some coke on the mirror and snorted a line.

He fell back against the couch and took a slug of beer. “Now, how about this hit on that warehouse in Chicago? Its’ all good? And an easy job?”

“Should be. Hopefully the security guards we paid to turn the other way do so. Then we’ll have a truckload of drugs, guns, art, and other shit we can sell to our buddies down south. It’s an easy hit.”

“Who owns that fucking warehouse anyway?”

“The fuck if I know or even care, Murdock.”

“You sure double crossing Nuvon is a smart idea? He’s hooked us up with the other jobs, as well as this one coming up in Hoboken.”

Dexter smirked. “You want to be rich? You want to be a king? But we don’t have a family name like these fucking gangsters do, so we need to improvise. Because of the work we did for Nuvon, I came across this other shit. We can get away with it and Nuvon or these gangsters won’t be none the wiser. Mark my words. We’ll succeed and not get caught.

“Nuvon wants his money and shit. He’s willing to pay us top dollar to do the job. Let’s do it and then be done.”

“It brings us a few steps closer to gaining some power and other jobs. It’s about fucking time, my friend. About fucking time,” Murdock stated and then guzzled down the rest of the beer and thought about Vye. She would be in his bed again. Detrix and he would teach her a thing or two about being obedient to your man.

Chapter Three

Vye rocked Benny to sleep on her lap while swinging on the porch bench. It was another beautiful day on the farm, and the ranch house that belonged to Ella and her husbands was spectacular. Vye smiled as the baby slept. She couldn’t believe that nearly two months had passed. That she was working part-time running the register at the farm, and was helping out with the office work, as well.

She heard the screen door open and then close and a few deep voices she recognized.

Ford’s brothers, Ghost, Laverty, and Evan, along with their woman, Lois, came out onto the porch. Their children, Kenny, Waylan, and Jessica, ran out and hurried to see baby Benny. Lois walked slowly. She was due any time now and looked more than ready to deliver.

“Is he sleeping again? When does he wake up? Did we miss it? Did you feed him?” Waylan asked a bunch of questions and Vye chuckled. It had been a surprise to learn about the ménage relationships in town and across the Brazos family. At first, she was a bit unnerved about it and uncertain on how it all worked, but seeing families like Lois and her men with the kids made it all look pretty normal. It was obvious that the men loved Lois. They kept close, protected her, and kissed or touched her at every opportunity. Vye was envious. Lois’s sister Valentina and her men had the same type of relationship. They also had four kids.

“Don’t go waking that baby up you three. He needs his rest. Just like

when your brother or sister is born, they’ll need a nice, quiet house,” Lois said and took a seat next to Vye.

Vye smiled. “How are you feeling? Still getting the small contractions?”

“Sure am. It will be any day now.”

“I bet you can’t wait.”

“I can’t wait to be able to breathe fully. Right now it’s difficult to take a deep breath, my feet ache, I have to pee every twenty minutes or less, and my boobs are aching.”

“You are definitely ready.”