t him and he caressed her lip with his thumb.

“I’m scared, Ghost. If I let my guard down, then I risk Kenny and me getting hurt again.”

“You just let your guard down with me, and I let mine down with you. This is special, Lois. My brothers and I can make you happy. We can protect you and Kenny and take away all those scared feelings so that you never have to worry again.”

She reached up and caressed his jaw as the rain stopped and the sun began to shine almost instantly.

“You’d all still want me, knowing what he did to me? Knowing that being intimate could take a long time?”

He smiled softly.

“Baby, none of us are perfect. We all have our fears, but this chemistry we have, this connection is so damn strong, I know for a fact making love will come easy.”

He kissed her lips softly and she closed her eyes and kissed him back, wondering if what he said was true and hoping with all her heart that it was.

When he pulled back, he looked down and cupped her breast, easing his thumb back and forth over the material. She looked down to where his hand was and her eyes widened at the sight. She pulled her blouse tight. “Oh, God,” she said, feeling her cheeks warm. Then she heard Ghost chuckling deeply. The sound did a number on her body as her pussy spasmed and her breasts yearned to be touched by him again.

He gave her a wink. “Like I said, darling, making love is going to come real easy.”

He pulled her close and held her in his arms, making her feel content and protected like never before.

* * * *

“He did what? And you allowed him to?” Valentina asked as Lois came out of the bathroom after showering and putting on dry clothes. She combed out her hair and plopped down onto the edge of the bed.

Valentina stared at her sister and Lois didn’t continue. She couldn’t even talk. She covered her mouth, nodded her head, and began to cry.

Valentina sat down on the edge of the bed with her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as Lois cried and explained, rambling on about the therapist, being emotional and crying by a tree, the thunderstorm, and then turning to see Ghost. She went on and on, giving every detail about how it all happened and what she was feeling. Valentina felt the tears roll down her cheeks, too, as she smiled widely.

“Are you happy about this development? You like him as much as you like his brothers?” Valentina asked.

Lois turned to look at her.

“I am freaking out right now, Val. Four men, soldiers, brothers want to make me their woman. I don’t know how I can do it. How can I open up to them and give all of me to four men when I don’t even know if I’m capable of giving them anything?”

“Oh, honey, that is not going to be a problem at all. Not if you love them and they love you. You told Ghost you would need time. Hell, you told him what exactly happened that night with Caden. They’re good men, and they will give you all the time you need.”

“I don’t know how to face the others. Ford is so much like Ghost, all tough and demanding and fierce in his tone. I don’t know what Evan and Laverty will say to me. I’m so afraid that they’ll think bad things, or not see me as beautiful,” she said and cried some more.

“I don’t think they’ll think any less of you, Lois. I think they’ll care about you, want to protect you, and love you even more. Look how they are with Kenny. Look how they are with their mom and their dads. That says a lot about a man, right there. We never had anything like this. No family, no bonds, no family gatherings and support. This is exactly what we want for our children, for ourselves and our men are giving that to us because they want us.”

“Our men?”

Valentina smiled.

“Oh, God,” Lois said and covered her face and fell back onto the bed.

Valentina chuckled.

“I guess you’ll be needing some free alone time with your men, so don’t worry, I’ll take care of Kenny,” Val teased.

Lois gave her sister’s arm a slap and then she leaned on her elbows.

“How do you think I should explain things to Kenny?”

“Oh, I think Kenny already understands that you like those men and they like you.”

“He’s scared of Ghost and Ford. Well, mostly Ghost, but that’s because of his deep voice and how much less time he spends around all of us. He adores Laverty and Evan.”