She was recovering as they kissed her everywhere and then pulled her pants up and fixed her top. Jace held her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

“Feel okay?” he asked.

“That was incredible, and not what I expected when you asked me to join you by your fire.”

They all chuckled.

Jace caressed her face with his finger and held her gaze with a very intense and serious expression. “The first of many nights by the fire, I hope.”

She couldn’t help but to smile. “I sure hope so,” she whispered, and he leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

* * * *

Jace could not believe how content he felt laying here with Valentina with his brothers surrounding them. The feel of her hands running under his shirt and over his skin were making his cock super hard. He couldn’t take it as he gripped her hand and then held it against his chest. She lifted up.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him.

He licked his lower lip.

“Unless you plan on staying the night, I can’t take it. The feel of your palm against my skin, rubbing me.” She swallowed hard and lifted up. “I’m sorry, it’s been a long time for me,” she admitted, and he saw the sadness in her eyes.

“Been a long time for me, too. Hell, for all of us.”

She looked at his brothers who all sat around the fire with them.

“You’ve shared women before, though? It’s what turns you on?” she asked.

Beck leaned over and caressed her back now that she was sitting up. Jace remained leaning back on his elbows, watching her.

“We’ve had some short experiences with other women. Nothing like a full commitment,” Beck told her as he rubbed her back.

“So this thing between us, what we’re feeling, is just a thing?” she asked. Jace could tell she was upset. It was crazy how she’d gone from not wanting anything to do with them and pushing his brothers away today to now feeling possessive. Possessiveness was also exactly what Jace was feeling.

“No. Not just a thing for us, for me. You see, we shared women before, but it was more out of safety and security.”

“How so?” she asked.

“It makes us feel in control, like our brothers, our troops, have our backs, per se,” Jace said to her and reached up to caress her hair from her cheek.

“I don’t understand,” she whispered.

Sparrow moved from his seat and stood in front of her. He placed his hands on her thighs and looked down into her eyes.

“You haven’t told us about your scars, about why you moved out here with Lois and Kenny and why she’s so timid and on edge. You have your fears, your reservations, and so do we. You see, we’re soldiers, Green Berets, trained to not feel vulnerable, but invincible. We’ve been through a lot in our careers. Things changed us, Valentina. Made us feel not so invincible, but rather, susceptible to those fears, those memories. Being intimate, getting lost inside of a woman’s body and seeking a feeling of freedom from the memories isn’t always achievable.”

“But with our brothers surrounding us, with us making love to a woman together as a team, a unit, where no one is more important but all are equal, we can let go and just feel,” Beck said.

“Because our brothers have our backs,” Ridge added.

“And we are there to protect you as a team, as brothers, always,” Jace whispered.

She was silent a few seconds and Jace wondered if the whole ménage thing scared her that much. Would she deny the attraction because of a fear of not knowing how great a relationship like this could be?

“Talk to us?” Sparrow said to her, breaking the silence as he caressed her thighs.

She covered her hands with his. Jace watched as she brought Sparrow’s hand up to her lips and she kissed his knuckles. It was sweet, sexy, and the expression in Sparrow’s eyes told Jace that his brother was falling for Valentina as hard as he was.

She closed her eyes and held his hand to her cheek.