“But they seem really nice. We wouldn’t want to be rude.”

“No, I can’t force conversation with people I don’t know. I tried today with Evan. It didn’t work. I got scared and felt trapped and kept thinking of all the ways he could hurt me.”

“That’s normal, and will take time, but at least you tried. Maybe the more you see him, you’ll get used to him?”

“I don’t think so. The thought scares me too much. I want you to go tonight. I want you to be happy. If those men make you happy and feel good, then go meet them. I won’t wait up, either. No questions asked.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Well, maybe some questions,” she said and headed out of the room.

Maybe Valentina would go see them tonight. Just for a little while.

* * * *

“She isn’t coming,” Jace stated, and he looked upset about it. Sparrow wasn’t surprised. It seemed to him that Jace wanted to be around Valentina more often. By her walking out on them the other night after kissing her the way they did, they all felt off-kilter. Her resistance to the obvious attraction was making them all question what had happened to her. Of course, Helena never gave them any concrete information. She just told them that when Valentina was ready to share her story, she would. That put Sparrow on edge, especially being the type of man he was—demanding, in charge, a leader and a protector. Valentina was definitely a woman he wanted to protect and possess. In every way.

They set up the bales of hay, opening the wide barn door. With no obstacles in the way, it gave a perfect view of the land and the beautiful, clear, star-filled night. Beck was stoking the fire. They were all so quiet. None of them seemed to want to admit that they were hoping she showed up.

“Someone is comin

g,” Jace said, not even moving off the hay bale.

Sparrow felt instantly nervous, which was stupid. Why would a young, beautiful woman approaching, when they invited her, make him feel nervous? His mind answered immediately. Because I want her.

“Hello?” Valentina called out, and Sparrow moved toward the darkness, seeing that she was carrying her cell phone and using the flashlight to see. He met her by the side of the barn, where it was dark.

“Oh. There you are,” she said, sounding breathless.

She turned off the flashlight and then went to walk closer and nearly tripped. She grabbed onto his arms. “I couldn’t see too good, even though you have a fire. This is nice back here,” she said as Sparrow pulled her along with him.

“I’m glad you came,” he told her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She looked around at the others as Sparrow waved his hand for her to take a seat on the bales of hay in front of the fire, next to Jace and Beck. They both took turns kissing her cheek hello before she sat down between them.

She looked good. She was wearing a pair of loose-fitting black pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt in a pale blue color. Sparrow added wood to the fire and then offered her a bottle of water.

“This is gorgeous back here. I love the whole setup,” she said, looking around them at the barn then out toward the sky, the fire pit burning wood. She inhaled.

“You do this often?” she asked, looking pleased with the scene and the fire pit.

“As often as we can,” Beck whispered, looking at her but pulling apart a piece of hay. If he was like Sparrow, Beck was probably thinking about how badly he wanted to hold her, to kiss her and explore that sexy body of hers. He cleared his throat and focused on the fire again. They’d discussed what they hoped would happen tonight. That Valentina would show up, would talk to them, and maybe let them in a little more. Maybe gain her trust.

“Did you have a good time at the farm today?” Beck asked her.

“It was nice. I was really impressed, especially with all the fresh vegetables and fruit. I can’t believe people come from all over to pick strawberries. It’s cool,” she replied and took the bottle of water from Sparrow.

“Kenny seemed to be having fun. Evan said he enjoyed the farm animals and really liked the chickens,” Ridge told her.

She chuckled. “He wants us to get chickens now so he can gather the fresh eggs.”

“You can bring him over to our place. We have plenty,” Ridge told her.

“Thank you. I may have to take you up on that, because I don’t know a thing about farms or chickens and eggs.”

Jace reached over and took her hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “We can teach you lots of things,” he whispered. He was leaning back and she held his gaze.

“I bet you could. I also bet you say that to all the women you bring out here at night by your fire,” she replied and then started to pull away. Jace wouldn’t release her hand. “Baby, we don’t bring any women here. You’re the first one,” he informed her, and she seemed shocked.

“He’s telling the truth,” Beck added, leaning in closer on her other side. She looked at him and then back at Jace.