“Helena?” she questioned her, looking back at her sister. Lois smiled and then Kenny gave Evan a high five.

“Sometimes fate just steps in.”

“Really?” Valentina asked her.

“Sure, like with you and my cousins. They want you, and you want them.”

“I don’t,” she said and looked away as they continued walking toward a fence and a little stream beyond it. It was put up around the stream like a garden, with tiers of rocks like a manmade waterfall on a smaller level.

“Don’t lie to me. I know you like them. Hell, you let them kiss you in their kitchen and fondle those big, sexy breasts of yours and see your scars.”

Valentina gave her arm a slap. “Stop that.”

Helena chuckled.

“They’re good men. You know it doesn’t surprise me that it was Jace who confronted you and basically bombarded you with questions. I’d say he’s the least trusting when it comes to meeting new people.”

“Why is that?”

“I think from his experiences as a Green Beret. The other guys seemed to transition easier, but not Jace. He would disappear for weeks at a time without a word. Like he needed to just be alone.”

“Well, I can understand that. Sometimes I wish I could just be alone for a while, but the reality is I can’t. I’ve got responsibilities and work now, plus getting Lois to come around and visit that school down the street. I mean, it’s right there, but she doesn’t want to let go of him.”

“Probably because of her fears from the attack.”

“I know it is. The counseling is working. It takes time, and I get that.”

“Well, nice try distracting me with Lois. Now back to you and my cousins.”

“There is no ‘me and your cousins.’ I can’t get involved with them. I can’t enjoy being with them when my sister is miserable and afraid.”

“She doesn’t seem so miserable and afraid right now,” Helena pointed out as Evan held Kenny’s hand and he walked next to Lois toward the chicken coops.

“Hello, ladies.”

They both turned around to see Gunny McCallister and two other men and a woman. One of the guys was holding an infant, and the other was holding what looked to be a two-year-old. Both girls.

“Hi, Gunny. Oh, God, Gia, the babies are getting so big,” Helena said as Gunny introduced his family. “Valentina, I would like you to meet my wife, Gia, our babies, Sarah and Jessica, and my brothers, Garrett and Wes.”

“So nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you and, of course, the babies,” Helena said as she shook their hands.

“Doesn’t Gia look amazing? I can’t believe the baby is a month old,” Helena said, and they smiled and talked about the farm and all the great produce they were selling.

Then Sparrow and Ridge came over to say hello. The men greeted one another and then they checked out the baby, but Ridge and Sparrow took position on either side of Valentina.

“Hey, Helena, I was trying to find those little cucumbers you told me about so I can add them to the salad tonight for dinner. Do you know where they are?” Gia asked, and Helena smiled.

“Sure. I’ll be back,” she said, and then the other men walked with them, leaving Valentina alone with Ridge and Sparrow. She looked around for Lois and Kenny.

“Lois and Kenny are with Evan by the petting zoo,” Sparrow said to her, and she tried avoiding their gazes.

“We need to talk, Valentina,” Sparrow said, reaching out to move her hair off her shoulder. He kept his hand there and used his thumb to stroke her collar bone. It did a number to her insides, and she thought about what Helena had said. Taking a chance and trying to find salvation in the arms of four brothers was risky. Plus, it wasn’t fair to her sister.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” she said, looking straight ahead.

Ridge took her hand and brought it to his lips.

“That’s not true, baby,” he whispered calmly, in a way that made her shiver. God, she sure as hell had it bad for these men. She wouldn’t be able to resist the four of them together.