She parked the car. got out, and was greeted by several little kids, all about ten years old.

“Good morning, miss. Would you like to buy some lemonade or some cookies form the bake sale?” She couldn’t help but to smile at the kid as he winked and then blushed. He was a little salesman.

“Sure thing, but can I look around first?” she asked. They nodded and then followed her around the yard sale.

“Are you looking for a bike?” the other little boy asked her as an older lady smiled and fixed some small toys on the table she was near.

“Actually, I am looking for a bike, for my nephew.”

“How old is he?” a little girl asked.

“Four, but he’ll be five in a few months.”

“So is he ready to learn how to ride a two-wheeler?”

“I don’t think so,” she said to the young man, who seemed to be the salesman of the group.

“I’m interested in maybe that one, with the training wheels.”

His eyes widened.

“That was my bike when I was just a little kid. I’m a man now, that’s why I let my mom sell it today,” he told her as he pumped out his chest and winked.

The other kids laughed, as did the older lady.

“How about the jungle gym? That looks pretty cool,” she asked and walked closer to it. Valentina thought it would be great in the yard for Kenny. She wondered if the landlord would mind it. Maybe she needed to wait. Then she realized that it was too big to fit into her car.

“You know what? It won’t fit in my car. I think I’m going to have to pass.”

“Awe!” they all exclaimed, and she chuckled.

“What’s going on over here?”

She heard the deep voice and turned to look who was there and was shocked to see Beck. She pushed some strands of hair behind her ear.

“She’s going to buy my old bike and the jungle gym for her nephew, but she doesn’t have a truck. I’m going to ask my brother. He’s like twenty, close to your age, and I bet when he sees you he’ll offer his truck,” the little boy said to her.

“And ask for her number,” the other boy said.

“She won’t say yes. She’s too pretty for your brother, and he’s always cursing,” the little girl exclaimed.

Valentina felt her cheeks warm, especially as Beck listened to the whole exchange with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a gleam in his eyes.

“If she really wants them, then I’ll take them in my truck,” Beck told the boys and they all moaned out in disappointment. She chuckled.

“Thank you for your help, though,” she added.

“Are you still going to buy some baked goods?” the little girl asked.

“Definitely,” Valentina replied and smiled.

“How much ya gonna spend?” asked the boy who had been helping her as he gave Beck the evil eye. It seemed he was really intent on having her meet his brother. She couldn’t help but laugh.

“If you have a box to hold enough things in it, I’ll probably take ten dollars’ worth. I’ll be over in a few minutes,” she said to him and his eyes widened.

“Yes,” he exclaimed and pumped his fist. All the kids went running.

“Looks like you made some friends,” Beck said to her as he swept his eyes over her body. She ran her fingers through her hair and turned away from him a moment to look at the jungle gym. Then she looked up at him.