“Have a nice day, and I suppose you’ll be by shortly, as Helena explained to me.”

“Yes, ma’am, planning on stopping in around noon time.”

“Very well. See you later, and thank you again.” She walked down the steps and tried to control her breathing. She couldn’t believe how those men, all of them, made her feel—aside from the sheriff, who looked amused by the situation. She told herself not to look back, but she had to. My God, how were they so damn good-looking and fierce?

When she did, all of them but the sheriff were watching her. She saw Sparrow squint and she quickly looked away and made it to her cottage. As soon as she was inside, she exhaled and then burst out laughing. My God what have I gotten us into by moving here? She laughed as she made her way to the bathroom to shower. She would need to warn Lois about the event this morning and the impending meeting with the sheriff. This was going to be one hell of a Monday.

* * * *

“Well, cousins, looks like you just pissed off our new neighbor,” Sheriff Ford Brazos said to them. Beck chuckled. “You’re not kidding,” he added.

“What the hell makes her capable of carrying a Glock like that? You sure she’s trained enough?” Jace questioned.

His cousin Ford licked his lower lip. “She was a cop in New York City. I’d say she was trained enough, don’t you?” he asked. Jace’s eyes widened.

“A cop?” Sparrow asked first.

“Yup, and from what I understand, a good one. Gunny has more details. How about a hot cup of coffee, since you made me come out so damn early?”

Ridge opened the storm door. “Come on in, I think we all need coffee.”

“I think Jace needs some scotch in his,” Beck added, and they all chuckled as they headed into the house. Jace glanced at the cottage next door. So she was a cop from New York? That explained her attitude and her quick moves. She had still drawn a gun on him, and a person like that who seemed on edge and combative could be a potential hazard.

He immediately took that back. Who the hell was he to think anything like that? He was a ticking time bomb himself and had a short fuse and argued with everyone, which is why he kept his distance from people, and why he’d taken off for the camping trip for the week. He shook his head and headed inside. Their new neighbor was trouble with a capital T.

* * * *

“So he’s coming over here any minute?” Lois asked Valentina. Lois was looking out the window, fixing her sweater. She knew it was kind of warm outside, but she always seemed to have a chill. She glanced at Kenny, who was sitting on the rug playing with some matchbox cars while a kid’s show played on the TV.

“Hey, it will be okay. Helena warned us about this, and the sheriff seemed very nice,” Valentina told her.

“Why do people need to know our business? Why can’t they all just leave us alone? Now the landlords know you have a gun, and if they try something they’ll come over here well prepared.”

“Lois, they are not going to break in here and try to hurt us. I told you what the sheriff said. They’re all retired Green Berets, and they’re Helena’s cousins. She wouldn’t place us and Kenny in danger.”

“Not intentionally.” Lois pulled away from the curtains. “He’s here,” she said and sat down on the couch, crossed her legs, and wrapped her arms around her midsection.

“I’ll take care of it. It will be just fine, you’ll see.”

She watched Valentina walk to the door before the bell rang. Kenny immediately stopped what he was doing. He looked scared. She hated that knowing how on edge he was. Lois felt the same way, and he picked up on that. She wished he had been at nursery school that day, but he wasn’t feeling well. She swallowed hard as the emotions nearly got the best of her. She heard the voices, looked up, and gulped. Hard.

Sheriff Brazos was large and good-looking, with dark blue eyes and short, crew-cut hair. His short-sleeve uniform shirt showed off a bunch of tattoos on one arm. He locked gazes with Lois as Valentina motioned for him to come in.

Kenny slid behind the side of the couch and crouched down, hiding.

The sheriff reached his hand out as Valentina made the introductions. Lois hesitated, overwhelmed by the size and the attractiveness of the sheriff, and before she could make up for being rude, he went back to stroking his Stetson.

“Kenny, come on out and say hello to the sheriff,” Valentina said. Lois watched as the sheriff tilted his head sideways and smiled, showing off white teeth and a dimple in one cheek.

“Hey there, son, come on out and say hello. I don’t bite,” he said to him. Kenny looked at Lois and then at Valentina.

“It’s okay, Kenny,” Lois said, and she slid down to the rug and reached for him behind the couch. She sat down on the rug and the sheriff watched her as she pulled Kenny onto her lap.

Kenny just stared at him.

The sheriff gave a wink. “It’s nice to meet you, Kenny. I’m Sheriff Brazos. I came by to welcome you, your mom, and your aunt to Salvation. How do you like your new house?” he asked him.

Kenny sealed his lips and hung his arms tight around Lois. She locked gazes with the sheriff and could tell he was inquisitive.