He gave Lucca a tap and Lucca followed him immediately.

They headed down the hallway in search of Malayna and that Ellington guy. They passed a few guards that were stationed there blocking off the hallways that led to the area where no guests were allowed. Of course they let them through, knowing who they were and that they had lived there only a few weeks ago. Border thought of the time they had alone with Malayna, teaching her some moves, going for jogs in the early morning hours, and of course insulting her. He wished for that time alone with her back now. She was a different person entirely tonight. She was confident, fantastically stunning to the point that he wanted her by his side so he could claim her his woman. Where had thoughts of her being so young, too young and inexperienced, gone to?

As they approached the studio they saw the two guards. Border recognized them.

“Is Malayna inside?” he asked and the one guy nodded then opened the door. Border saw Ellington standing behind Malayna looking at a series of paintings. He didn’t need to be that close to her. She turned around at the sound of their footsteps.

“Hello,” she said and then glanced back at the one painting Ellington was focused on before he looked at them, giving them the once-over. The guy didn’t know who the fuck they were or how capable. He copped an attitude.

“Malayna, you should be at the party talking with your guests,” Lucca told her.

Ellington turned around. “They’re right. It was rude of me to ask to see the paintings on this special night.” He smiled down at Malayna and then took her hand.

“I will be in touch. I’ll leave my card and perhaps Monday you will call and we can arrange to meet again.”

“Definitely. Thank you and I’m sure I’ll see you later.”

“Ah, perhaps save me a dance?” he asked, letting her hand go.

“Perhaps,” she replied, holding his gaze. Border wanted to punch the guy’s lights out. They watched him walk from the room and Malayna tapped the card to her pretty plump pink lips and then turned around when he left and she placed the card on her desk.

“Did my father send you to get me? He’s so silly, and must have forgotten that I have Dubkova and Murin. Oh well, we should head back,” she said but Lucca stopped her.

He took both of her hands and opened them wide to look over her dress. “This is some dress you’re wearing, Malayna. A little too sexy for someone your age,” he added and Border saw her eyes widen and then she squinted at him. It was like she hadn’t expected him to reprimand her dress but instead compliment it.

“Actually, Lucca, you’re wrong. This is exactly what women my age are wearing. Although there was one particular dress that gapped between my breasts all the way to my naval, and then dipped in the back just so and nearly to my…ass. It was quite sexy,” she said as she pulled her hands away and used them to accentuate her words and make Border imagine that dress on her.

“Never,” Border whispered.

She looked at him. “Excuse me?”

He couldn’t help but to sweep his eyes over her body again. She looked classy and sexy, leaving more to the imagination and teasing him as well. The fact that there was no panty line indicated she was bare underneath the dress.

He stepped closer and held her gaze. “I think you pulled off your intention. To make men swoon over you, to stare at this dress, to see how sexy your body is, and also that you’re not wearing any panties.” Her face flushed but then she placed her hands on her hips and looked him over, affecting him immediately.

“And no bra either,” she added.

He looked at the top, wondering if that were the case. So many thoughts went through his head. He wanted to reach for her and kiss her deeply then spread her over one of the tables and explore her further to see if her words were true.

There was a knock at the door and they turned to see one of the guards. He spoke to her in Ukrainian and she replied back. Little did she know that both he and Lucca understood. They were getting ready to serve the food.

She motioned with her hand.

“Shall we return to the party? I’m supposed to meet a few more important people and I would love to have a chance to dance, too,” she said and headed out with them following.

“Not with that dick Ellington,” Lucca whispered and Border nodded his head in agreement. Tonight was going to be torture.

* * * *

“So what do you think?” Aspen asked Ellington.

Ellington gave her a wink and then glanced at Storm.

“I think she is super talented. I know I have never seen anything like her style or the boldness of her work. The detail on the people in the paintings is superb. Aspen, if she is willing to meet with me and discuss a showing at any of my galleries I would be more than willing.”

Aspen smiled and looked at Storm. He raised one of his eyebrows up at her like he didn’t want to be involved with this. Then he looked away and toward the dance floor. Malayna was dancing with Nalia and a few other women. Ellington leaned closer to Aspen. “You could have warned me about how beautiful she is. I got all tongue-tied and couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She has this way about her. She glows.”

Aspen smiled.