He licked his lips then leaned down and gave her a kiss. When he released her lips he gave her a wink. “Dubkova and Murin have the SUV waiting. Make it quick,” he ordered.

Star was so demanding and in constant control. She loved it as Krane took her hand and pulled her along with him. He kissed her neck and whispered into her ear. “I can’t wait to get you home and strip you out of this outfit.” He suckled her skin and she giggled and pulled away, turning to see Star talking to Border and Lucca. They seemed like they were all angry and maybe arguing. Before sh

e could stop to go back to them, Marianna and her men Jax and Jameson were saying good-bye.

* * * *

The ride back to the large ranch was quiet. No one was talking and Border knew why. He and Lucca were more affected by the pictures on the walls at Casper’s and the fact that a lot of those men never made it home to their families. Border and Lucca could have been two more of those men added to the wall if it weren’t for Star and Krane who located them and rescued them from the enemy prison. He felt his hands shaking. It had been so long since he had thoughts of that time, and of those memories.

He looked at Lucca, who stared out the window straight-faced. Malayna was between them, legs crossed, so sweet and innocent. She represented everything they thought they could never have. She knew something was up. She cared so much for them and recognized their distress and anger. She wanted to give of herself to them, wanted to ease their pain, and she didn’t even realize that just being here with them helped. That accepting their proposal for marriage, giving her virginity to them, and making them the only men she had ever been with was more than enough to heal them.

Maybe he was thinking so much about the prison and the pain he and Lucca felt because Malayna had been a prisoner, too. She never shared all the things that Cornikup and Vlladim did to her. She focused on the fact that she had her virginity, the one thing that no one was able to corrupt and steal from her.

He reached over and took her hand. The feel of her dainty fingers clasped between his sent a wave of emotions through him. He felt the rumbling of anger for the men who were lost, the fear and hope of never being a prisoner like that again, and the worry that somehow he may not be able to protect his family, his woman, and that had to be his focus.

By the time the SUV stopped he felt himself losing control. He needed Malayna. Naked, accepting to his control and need to possess her, fill her with his cock, and connect so deeply and as close as humanly possible so he could exhale and not feel this anxiety.

They slid from the seats. Lucca lifted her up and placed her feet down on the ground as they all looked toward the front door. The other security had remained around the house and Malayna said good night to Dubkova and Murin as well as the other men. They nodded with respect. Even their security adored her. He felt a surge of possessiveness.

She paused a moment, appearing to ask what they were going to do when he gripped her hips and guided her toward the stairs. She glanced at him, opened her mouth, but then closed it.

He got her into the bedroom and turned her around to face him.

He pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the floor. He stared at her body, the way the V of her blouse showed off her luscious breasts but also the paint palette in gold with the authentic jewels they had given her for her birthday. He reached out and when his fingers touched her skin as he lifted the necklace she shivered from his touch. He locked gazes with her.

“You’re so beautiful, Malayna. So giving and caring, youthful and energetic.” He released the charm and then slowly unbuttoned her blouse. The sight of her large breasts bursting from the lace bra made his cock harden. He pressed the material from her arms as Lucca joined them. He was already undressed, only wearing boxers when he took position behind her.

She parted her lips as the blouse fell to the floor and the sound of Lucca unzipping her skirt sounded so loud in the quiet room.

Her skirt fell, revealing matching tiny thong panties in white lace that barely covered her pretty little pussy.

“I need this, Malayna,” he said to her, his emotions too thick, too overwhelming to speak more. She seemed to understand his need as he lowered to his knees and held her hips then leaned forward to kiss her belly.

As her bra fell from her arms and hit the floor, he glanced up, noticing her breasts then the erect nipples calling to him to be tasted. But Lucca was there to cup them from behind her and then thumb the tips, making her moan softly.

He licked her belly, slid his hands along her hips, taking down her panties. She held on to his shoulders as she stepped from them and he tossed them backward.

He pulled back and looked at her from head to pussy. Their gazes locked and the love he felt for her overwhelmed him. His eyes teared up and she saw it, widened her eyes, and he lowered to caress her skin and kiss her hip bones. He tightened only a moment when he felt her delicate fingers run through his hair.

“I love the softness of your skin, the perfection of it. You’re a gift from heaven, Malayna. A gift to be loved, cherished, and honored.” He kissed her pussy and she moaned softly.

“I want to be gentle. I want to relish in the feel of licking, kissing, sucking every inch of you, baby, but I need you so badly right now. I need the safety, the pureness that being inside of you gives me,” he said.

“That gives us,” Lucca added.

Border looked up to lock gazes with Lucca. “That gives us,” he said, and he knew that Lucca was thinking the same thoughts about the past, about their prison of hell they nearly died in and about how quickly life can change in an instant.

“I love how you taste, how feminine you are, and how sexy at the same time,” Lucca told her and kissed her on the mouth with her head turned sideways.

“I love being here with the both of you. You make me feel so safe and so loved,” she said to them after Lucca released her lips.

She ran her hands through Border’s hair and then tugged it, surprising him. She held his gaze.

“I also love how commanding you both are. How demanding of my body you can be. I love your tattoos, and the fact that you are soldiers, and heroes,” she said.

“Not heroes,” Border whispered.

“My heroes,” she replied.