“See? She’s fierce with it,” Lucca told them.

She started to giggle and brought the plate to the island. As she placed it down, Border pressed against her from behind and took the spatula.

“Hmmm, this does look like an interesting tool,” he said, bending her over the island.

“Border!” she scolded as Border lifted her shirt and then gently glided the spatula over her ass cheek.

“What do you guys think?” Border asked.

“I think she should get her ass spanked with it,” Lucca said.

Her mouth gaped open. “Lucca.”

She gasped as Border gave her ass a tap with the plastic spatula. He then ran it behind her as he gently thrust his hips against her ass.

“I think I’m having you for dessert after breakfast.” He kissed her neck and then let her up, turned her around, and kissed her. What she couldn’t see was how Border lifted her shirt so they could all see her sexy ass.

Lucca smiled and they all chuckled. I can definitely get used to this, too.

* * * *

Malayna couldn’t stop laughing. Since the moment the plane landed in Salvation she had a feeling she was going to love it here. She let her mind wander most of the trip, thinking about the little things and the not-so-little things. Like the gorgeous, antique ring on her finger that had been in the Mulicheck family for many generations. It was stunning.

She embraced the fact that they were all gathered around one another at a bar and restaurant called Casper’s. It was very cool and nostalgic. The people were friendly and everyone welcomed them. Just as she had been quiet on the plane and thinking back at her simple life in the Ukraine before her imprisonment by Cornikup, she realized in such a short time that her heroes, her American soldiers, her lovers and future husbands had changed her life for the better. For the first time in many years she felt safe, and as if her life, her happiness had finally begun.

A glance at Lucca and Border, who’d remained straight-faced for a good hour now, told her that something stirred emotions that didn’t make them happy. Her gut clenched. They hadn’t been the same since walking around Casper’s looking at old pictures.

She excused herself from the conversation with Gia Marie, Marianna, Jax and Jameson Spaulding, and Aspen in order to check on her men.

She smoothed out her short black skirt and adjusted her top, a light blue blouse that accentuated her breasts and hugged her figure. Her men loved it on her yet complained about the low V dip. She smiled to herself. They were so protective. Then she realized as she approached Lucca and Border that she was feeling pretty protective of them, too.

They caught sight of her before she even took two steps. Both held beer bottles in their hands. Lucca took a slug of his, never letting his eyes move off of her. Border licked his lips as she approached. Her pussy clenched and her nipples hardened immediately. How the hell did they do that to her?

She felt the light bump against her side as a few guys started laughing and she saw both Lucca and Border jump up. The guys apologized for bumping into her, she smiled and told them it was okay, and then hurriedly turned toward Lucca and Border, who looked ready for a fight. Something was wrong.

She blew off the guys quickly and headed straight to Lucca and Border. They were standing and both reached for her and pulled her into their arms. Both laid a possessive hand on her ass but were looking over her shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” she asked them.

Lucca looked at her first. “Are you okay? What did they say to you?”

“Lucca, they said sorry for bumping into me. It was no big deal. What’s wrong? Something is wrong, I can tell.”

He stared down into her eyes and Border rubbed his palm from her ass to her back and then back down to her ass again.

“Nothing. Are you having fun? Do you feel comfortable with Marianna and going to see the gallery tomorrow?” he asked.

“Yes. She’s very nice and friendly and seems enthusiastic about my work. Nalia and Aspen got everything delivered to the gallery.” She lowered her eyes.

Border gripped her chin and tilted it up toward him. “What is it? Are you unsure?” he asked.

“I’m nervous about it. The pictures and the paintings are a bit different than the ones that will be displayed in Chicago. Those are more personal. I’m second-guessing whether I should display them in Chicago or here. Like maybe I chose the wrong ones even though Ellington and Pierre know what they are doing, and Marianna, too. I don’t know. I’m just—”

Border pressed his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly. She ran her hand up his chest and he pulled her close until he finally released her lips. “You’re panicking,” he whispered, pressing his forehead to hers.

Lucca caressed her arm and her hip. “You’re so very talented, and all of your work is special. It will be a hit.”

How did they do this? She came over here with concerns for them and they made this about her. Then she realized how they blew off her concerns about them being okay. She had come to realize that each of her men were stubborn and very strong willed. They were also American soldiers before they were anything else. It was part of the reasons she adored them so much. They were capable and strong and loyal. Seeing them here in Salvation and at a place like Casper’s that seemed to bring out the memories of the times they served was special and a part of them she liked seeing.