“They won’t find out. This guy wants them to know it was him once he has Malayna in his possession. I’m going to offer them information. Just a little bit of things prior to the abduction so it looks like I’m trying to smooth things over with them.”

“So you have a death wish, too?” Larcovian said to him.

“They won’t find out.”

“Well, I don’t want any part of this. I know not to fuck with the Russians.”

“Come on and just find out their routine and when and where we might be able to make the move.”

“I’ll get their schedule for the next two weeks. It will cost ya whether it helps you or not.”

“Fine, whatever. He’ll pay for it. Just remember I was never here asking.”

As soon as Pedro Cruz was out of the bar and back into his car he exhaled. What the hell had he gotten himself into? Was this crazy fucking guy with the Russian accent really going to destroy Nicolai Merkovicz? It seemed like the only thing he really cared about was getting his hands on Nicolai’s gorgeous young daughter. If he took Malayna then the Mulicheck family would be all over him, too. Hell, they would be all over Cruz and he would be as good as dead. How the fuck was he going to get out of this? He started to panic as a plan formed in his head. If all he did was get this Russian guy a schedule of where Malayna was going to be then it would be simple.

His cell phone rang and he was surprised that it was Larcovian.

“She’s doing two gallery events. One next week in Chicago and another one this weekend in Texas. Both at public venues so there’s your information. Don’t ask me for another thing.”

Cruz exhaled and then smiled. Well, that was easier than I thought. This Russian guy will get his wish and I can make some money and sit back while Nicolai tries to get out of the trouble this Russian guy is creating.

* * * *

Lucca pulled Malayna close to him, wrapping his arm around her waist as she stood in the kitchen cooking pancakes. She was wearing one of his button-down dress shirts and nothing else.

He suckled her skin against her neck and then ran his hand under the shirt and over her pussy.

“Lucca, I’ll burn the pancakes.”

“We don’t want that, now do we?” he teased her and stroked his finger against her mound. She slapped his hand with the spatula. He was shocked that she was so quick.

She pointed it at him as he stepped back. “I’m serious now. I want this to be perfect,” she said.

“Walking into the kitchen and seeing you wearing nothing but a shirt is pretty fucking perfect to me,” Star said, joining them. He was fully dressed in dress pants and a shirt and tie. Malayna looked disappointed.

“Where are you going?” she asked him, sounding concerned and sad.

He walked closer and placed his hands on her hips. Lucca watched him lean down and kiss her neck. “I need to get to the club to finish up some paperwork and then I’ll be back to finish packing.”

“I thought we would spend the morning together,” she said and flipped more pancakes.

Star ran his hands under her shirt and held her hips. “We spent most of the morning in bed and I spent a lot of time making love to you.” He kissed her neck and she giggled then gave him a tap with the spatula.

“Hey,” he said to her.


nbsp; “Yeah, watch her with that thing. She uses it as a weapon,” Lucca teased.

“What’s that?” Border asked as he and Krane walked into the kitchen.

“The spatula she has,” Star said to them.

“Oh, you using it as a weapon?” Border teased as she turned off the burners and placed the last four pancakes onto the platter.

Border ran his hand under her shirt and she slapped his arm with the spatula lightly.

“Hey,” Border scolded and they chuckled.