“Understandable. Do you think Cruz will accept a meeting, and what about Nicolai?”

“Nicolai accepted it because we’re claiming guardianship of Malayna.”

“You spoke to him about that? When?”

“Last night after we took care of the shooters. He knows she will be extra safe with us as her guardians.”

“We want more than that with her. We want her to be our wife.”

“I understand that. I know we’re going about this untraditionally, but Nicolai didn’t demand for me to bring her back to his estate when I said we were protecting her here.”

“Fuck, so he knows she was with us last night? That she stayed the night?”

“Yes, and I believe he’s not the only one who is thrilled about it.”

“Who do you mean?”

“That was Dad I was on the phone with.”

“Oh, so he agrees about the meeting?”

“Not entirely, but he knows it will immediately protect Malayna.”

“Good. I’ll do anything to keep her safe and make it so that she’s never scared again. Last night scared the hell out of me,” Lucca admitted.

“Me, too, and that?

??s why we need to make some changes and spread the word that she’s ours.”

“We should talk to her about things first. Make sure she understands why and doesn’t think we’re just trying to keep her safe.”

“You worry too much. She knows we love her. Last night proves it and every day for the rest of our lives we can show her,” Star said and placed his hand on Lucca’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

Star heard some laughter and then Malayna screamed out Krane’s name. They both chuckled.

“See what I mean?” Star said and they both headed back into the bedroom to be with their family.

Chapter 7

Malayna hugged her father tight and absorbed the feel of his arms wrapped around her. He was a big man. Tall, in excellent physical condition, and very attractive in his fifties. She had missed out on sharing so much with him and now here she was, only knowing him a short time yet accepting what being his daughter meant.

“Thank God that you’re okay,” Nicolai said to her. He pulled back and held her gaze. She felt a little embarrassed with the fact that her father knew she spent the last three days with Star, Krane, Lucca, and Border. They had discussed so much with her, and explained where her father stood in his position in a head family and where they stood as leaders in their family. It was overwhelming, yet she felt little anxiety about it. Instead she felt proud. Perhaps it was because she never had a family. It had always been just her and her mother and they had no ties to anything and no one to protect them or help them that dreadful day more than three years ago.

He stepped back and looked at her men. Star placed his hands on her shoulders and she instantly covered one of his hands with her own and smiled as she glanced up at him and then the others. When she turned back to look at Nicolai, he seemed different.

“You have not followed the rules. You’ve placed Malayna into a category she doesn’t deserve,” Nicolai said to them.

“What?” she asked, feeling shocked by his words. As she went to speak, Star gripped her shoulders and moved around her. Krane took his place and Lucca and Border stood by their side.

“I understand we may not have done things in the traditional manner. However, we had Malayna’s well-being in mind. We are not only officially claiming guardianship of her to provide protection, Nicolai. We are here to ask for Malayna’s hand in marriage,” Star stated.

Malayna gasped and then went to look at Krane, Border, and Lucca since Star was in front of her but they remained straight-faced like an arsenal and wall of defense.

“And what about the three nights she hasn’t been here, and the possible gossip about her morals and values as my daughter? She’s only twenty-two years old.”

“Old enough to know I love them,” she blurted out and Nicolai remained straight-faced but Krane and the others gave her expressions that told her to remain quiet. She sealed her lips and felt her body shaking.

“We plan on rectifying that right now, Nicolai. In your presence if you give your blessing,” Star said to him.