He shook his head. “Don’t stop,” he said to her. His words caused her pussy to clench, her breasts to suddenly feel full, and she felt the second set of hands, fingers caress down her back as lips kissed her bare back all the way to the space above her ass where the material ended.

She moaned softly. She was overstimulated and they hadn’t even undressed her yet. She shivered with anticipation and also a bit of fear of their reaction to her not wearing any undergarments whatsoever.

The thought that her touch affected Star just so, and apparently the others, too, as they now stood naked around her, aroused her body further and put her on edge. She was strung so tight she felt about ready to burst. She wanted this, though. She wanted them. She pressed her palms against Star’s chest and then moved closer.

“I’m yours,” he whispered as she ran her palms along his chest, over his nipples that hardened from her touch, making her feel more brazen. She leaned closer as Border unzipped the side of her dress and the material lowered against her upper arms.

She looked up at him and at his eyes as they widened, zoned in on her exposed breasts, and she licked his one nipple.

“Damn, Malayna,” he hissed and gripped her head and hair, lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. Her arms fell to her sides in submission to his control. It seemed he couldn’t handle her touching him like she did without reciprocating it.

Her dress was pushed down to the floor by Border’s hard, large hands and then his mouth landed on her ass. He was kissing her lower back then each ass cheek as he massaged them and manipulated her thighs.

“So fucking sexy. Your skin is perfect,” Lucca whispered on her left and then she felt his lips kiss her shoulder and her neck. She tilted slightly to the right only to feel Krane’s mouth suckle against her neck as Star continued to explore her mouth. She allowed them complete control of her body.

Star released her lips and lowered down to her breast. “Damn, Malayna, you’re incredible,” he said and suckled her breast, making her gasp and reach out for his head. She ran her fingers through his hair only for Star to suckle harder as a finger stroked under her ass to her pussy.

She jerked back and Krane took one of her hands and Lucca took the other and they brought them to their lips. She felt them suckling each digit slowly into their mouths as Star feasted on one breast then the other and Border fingered her pussy.

She closed her eyes and moaned. “Oh God, this feels incredible. It’

s more than I imagined. Oh,” she moaned and felt her body spasm as she came.

“The bed now,” Star ordered.

She gasped as Border pulled his fingers from her cunt and then all four men guided her backward. Hands held under her, guiding her gently to the bed.

Her back landed on the softest, most comfortable mattress she had ever felt beneath her. “My God, you’re a goddess, woman, an absolute goddess,” Border told her and he cupped her breast. He leaned down and kissed her lips. She closed her eyes because the sight of their sexy, naked bodies and thick, long cocks shocked her. She had never seen a naked man. Never laid eyes on a cock until these men and she was overwhelmed.

“Open your eyes, sweetness. We’re all yours, too,” Krane said to her. She blinked her eyes open to find them all just looking down at her. Star began to caress her thighs wider and she tightened up.

He shook his head slowly.

“Oh no you don’t. This sweet, virgin cunt is all ours to feast on, to explore, and to bring you pleasure.” He glided his palms up her inner thighs and when his thumbs touched her oversensitive pussy lips she cried out another release.

“Holy fuck,” Lucca said and as they locked gazes he smiled wickedly at her as he licked along her nipple then suckled part of her breast into his mouth. At the same time as she gasped, Star pressed a digit up into her pussy and began to stroke into her. She was aroused beyond belief. She hadn’t a clue as to what she was supposed to do but they talked to her, whispered to her, and all touched her together.

It was overwhelming, especially when suddenly they all had their mouths on her at once.

Star licked her pussy and replaced his fingers with his tongue. He was relentless with his strokes and the way he suckled her clit as Border rubbed her cream over a sensitive spot on her pussy, adding to Star’s ministrations. Lucca was feasting on one breast as Krane feasted on her other breast before lifting up and kissing her mouth. When he brought her hand over his cock and showed her how to rub it just right she came again.

“Oh hell, baby, you’re so sweet. I want my brothers to each taste you before we make love to you.”

She nodded her head and he chuckled then stepped out of the way and began to undress the rest of the way.

Border slid into his position and kissed her inner thighs, making her wiggle and laugh. She was so ticklish.

“Ah, a sensitive spot on our little angel,” Border teased and suckled under her knee then over her inner thighs. When she went to reach for him to stop tickling her, Krane and Lucca grabbed her hands and placed them above her head. She gasped as her breasts stuck out and her pussy creamed from being restrained.

“Oh yeah. You look so fucking hot, baby. Damn, I can’t wait,” Star said as he stroked what looked like a super thick, long cock. Her eyes widened.

“We’re all big men, baby, but you’re going to be just fine. We’ll go nice and slow,” Krane teased her, tracing her lips then leaning closer to lick her lip before plunging his tongue into her mouth. She tilted her pelvis upward as Border pressed a finger to her pussy and then licked her there, too. They played her body like pros and it didn’t make her feel jealous or inferior. Instead she felt lucky. Like any lovers they had in the past helped them to know what to do to make her feel so special right now and to make her first time so memorable. She wanted to make this time with them special, too, and was willing to do anything they asked of her. She wanted them so badly she ached.

“My turn,” Krane said and lowered down, kissing her breast. He pulled on her nipple then over her ribs, making her giggle before Border moved away from her pussy and Krane took his place. He licked her cunt and she was glad she had gone for the waxing and made her pussy smooth and enticing to them. She had read that men liked that.

Border gently took her arm and kissed her wrist then trailed more kisses along her inner arm as he raised it above her head. He smiled at her just as Krane licked her pussy and then pressed a finger into her cunt. Her juices flowed and all four men continued to feast on her and nothing ever felt better.

“I love these breasts. So full and big. I can hardly hold one in my hand and I have big hands, baby,” Border told her as he cupped her breast and ran his thumb along the nipple. She felt the nip to her clit and gasped and shook.