Star couldn’t believe her words or how she spoke back to him, telling him she wore these sexy things for them. She felt so petite and feminine in his arms he thought he might crush her and here she was being defiant and mouthy. He ran his h

and along her ass, feeling how curvy, toned, and sexy she was, and also how large his hand seemed, covering practically her entire ass.

He gripped her tighter and she lifted one leg up and against his thigh. When he released her lips and trailed his tongue and teeth along her jaw, her neck and then to the long deep crevice between two large breasts he had to slow himself down.

“Fuck, you drive me insane, Malayna,” he scolded.

“You drive me insane, too,” she countered and he heard his brothers chuckle.

He lifted her up and held her against him as he stared down into her blue eyes.

“This is a fucking dangerous combination, Malayna. I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into,” he said to her.

“You kiss me like that, and feel the attraction, the need, and you can say that to me? I don’t care about the danger. I shouldn’t even be alive right now, but I am and I’m here with the four of you. The four men I feel the safest with and trust completely. Don’t push me away and lie to me. Don’t tell me you think I’m too damn young, or inexperienced, or that you’re too old and scarred and live dangerous lives. My father is Nicolai Merkovicz, a head of one of the largest, most powerful Russian mobs and you think I’m afraid?” She shook her head and gripped him tight.

“You know what scares me most, Star? Not being with the four of you. Not feeling the safety of your arms. Not knowing what it’s like to get lost in your kisses, in your embrace, hell, in the sensations of what it might feel like to belong to each of you fully as you take my virginity and make me all yours and only yours,” she said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“You’re a virgin?” he asked her and his brothers stepped closer and each touched her and held her, too.

“I was eighteen when they abducted me. For three years I was a slave to Cornikup. I had to kneel down on the floor like a dog, a servant as he ate and would feed me very little. All he talked about was grooming me into the perfect woman and then taking my virginity, tainting me, maybe even bearing a child so he could kill it and let my father know.” The tears flowed and Star hushed her, trying to calm her as he held her close.

“Oh God, baby,” Border said to her and kissed her head as he pressed up against her back.

“If you don’t want me because of all that, because you think somehow I’m tainted or scarred so badly that I’m not good enough for you, then just tell me now.”

“Are you out of your mind? We have been thinking that we’re too old, too scarred from our pasts and the battles we fought and survived to be good enough for you. Someone so sweet, so innocent and pure,” Lucca told her.

She shook her head. “Why are we assuming all these things? Why can’t we just follow our hearts and just be together? I need you. All four of you. Don’t you need and want me?” she asked.

Star cupped her cheeks and looked down into her eyes. “More than anything we want you, but it’s forever, Malayna. You’re young and haven’t even had the opportunity to date.”

“I did and I didn’t like it because the men weren’t any of you guys,” she quickly told him.

Krane chuckled.

“That’s right, they weren’t. So the first thing we need to do is plan some dates,” he added.

“Yes, so you can be sure and so we can take our time and not rush into anything,” Lucca added.

“I think we’ve been dating for months. You’ve watched over me, watched movies with me, went along on my first date with me, and even taught me to shoot and to defend myself. Way more interesting and more productive than the typical dates. I say we base it completely on the sex. Just because I won’t have any other men to compare it to should make each of you confident that you can hold on to me forever,” she said to them.

“What a wise ass,” Border told her and started tickling her as the others started laughing. She maneuvered out of Border’s embrace. Krane and Lucca’s loose fingers stroked her breasts and then swatted at her ass only for Star to lift her up into his arms and hold her close.

“I think basing everything on the sex is a great idea. I just hope you can back up that tough mouth of yours, little virgin,” he teased.

She reached up and cupped his cheek. “I want you and I want your brothers to be my firsts and my only. Do you all want that, too?” she asked.

“Definitely,” Star said to her and the others added similar comments as Star began carrying her to the bedroom.

* * * *

Malayna felt her heart racing but surprisingly she wasn’t scared. She knew she was already in love with these four men. As Star set her feet down and she stood a few feet from the king-size bed covered in a thick fluffy white comforter, she swallowed hard and waited for his instruction. What she hadn’t expected was the others to be moving around, lighting candles, dimming the lights just so, and then surrounding her once again. Her eyes were focused on Star as he unbuttoned his shirt, having already lost the tuxedo jacket the moment he entered the penthouse.

It was so quiet she could hear her own intakes of breath and feel her body react to the sight of the four men and especially to Star.

The multitude of muscles, tan skin, and an array of scars both faded and deep reflected from his body. He looked made of stone, like some chiseled god from another time, another era, a warrior of sorts. That thought had her parting her lips then reaching out to touch his chest.

Her strong-willed, defiant leader tightened up and squinted his eyes then hissed at her touching him. She pulled back and he snagged her wrist so damn fast she gasped.