“Enjoy your dinner meeting. Randolph will be your server,” he said and walked away.

Malayna could hardly catch her breath. Her ass where Star tapped it tingled with the aftereffects of his move. Her nipples hardened and her breast felt full and damn it, she missed his touch and wanted more of it. She sat down and crossed her legs, the move causing her gown to shift and reveal full thigh. She noticed Star watching from the bar along with Border as Dubkova and Murin took position close-by. After the move Star made on her, teasing her, it made her wonder what he wanted and if he did find her attractive, and had her being as sexy as she could because she knew they were watching.

Soon enough it didn’t matter. She was ful

ly engaged in conversation with Pierre and Ellington and enjoying it immensely. They spoke to her about their galleries, about their ideas for her work and of course about her visiting some of them this week. She pulled out her cell phone and they pulled out theirs, making plans to meet and go over the venues and then meet at the estate to pick some pieces and begin a theme for her first show of her work. She felt excited and overwhelmed with the possibilities because of their enthusiasm and all she wanted to do was share it with the Mulicheck men.

She was laughing at something Pierre said before they kissed her good night and then he whispered into her ear that he would love to take her home with him and Ellington, which shocked her. She didn’t want to lead them on as both men pressed close and waited for her response. “I’m truly flattered, but I think it wise we keep this strictly business.”

Ellington made a sad face. “We could be perfect together. The three of us,” he added.

“I thought the two of you were competitors.”

“We’ve been friends for years,” Pierre told her. She wondered if they were gay or something, but then Ellington chuckled. He caressed her cheek and then down her bare arm.

“I can assure you we’re not gay or into each other. We just know when we see something we want and neither of us is willing to step aside to let the other have it. That it would be better all-around to share. A woman as special and precious as you would be a serious situation to embark on,” Ellington said to her.

“Definitely worth the trouble, but maybe not the broken bones,” Pierre said and glanced behind her. She didn’t have to look to see that they were probably referring to one if not all the Mulicheck men.

“I’m flattered,” she whispered.

Pierre bit his lower lip. “Those lucky bastards.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing, darling. The Mulicheck men have quite the reputations, but they can’t seem to keep their eyes off of you,” Ellington told her and then he leaned down and kissed her cheek as he ran his palm along her lower back.

“I could kiss you and make them jealous,” Pierre teased, leaning down to kiss her when she turned her cheek and held on to his shoulder.

“And risk those broken bones you worried about? That’s okay. I can handle them,” she said and he gave her hip a tap then gave her a wink as he pulled back. He pulled her hand up and kissed the top of it and she knew he was trying to get the Mulicheck men angry and jealous. She had to hide her smile.

“See you later in the week,” he said, loud enough for them to hear and then they both waved to Star.

Malayna watched them go and then turned around to see Border approach.

“Let’s go,” he said firmly.

“Go? Already? I was enjoying the atmosphere. This is my first time in a club.”

“Well, we aren’t here to babysit you,” Lucca barked at her and he was acting angry, too.

She exhaled and grabbed her purse. “Fine,” she said and they all headed out of the club. Border had his hand on her hip, holding it firmly as Lucca and Krane led the way through the crowd and to the side entrance. As security opened the door and Star headed to the SUV, Dubkova and Murin walked to another SUV. Just then they heard the squealing of tires and then bullets hitting the side of the building above their heads. Instantly Border tackled her to the ground and covered her along with Krane. The men returned fire and then Star was giving orders. She could hear him yelling for men to follow. She looked from where she lay on the ground with Border and Krane covering her body. She saw their guns drawn and the expression on Lucca and Star’s face was scary as anything to her.

“Malayna, are you okay?” Border asked as he lifted up, pulling some of his weight off of her. She was shaking, she was so scared. Someone shot bullets at them. She nodded her head as the tears filled her eyes.

“Is everyone okay?” Star yelled and they all answered, “Yes.”

“Get her in the SUV and get her out of here. Border, Krane, take her to a safe place while I call Nicolai. Lucca, stay with me,” Star ordered them.

As Border and Krane helped Malayna up, she felt the aches immediately and Border lifted her up into his arms and carried her to the SUV.

Star got to the door before they took off. He reached out and caressed her cheek. “Are you okay?” She nodded.

“I have to stay and take care of this. My brothers will keep you safe.” He quickly closed the doors. Krane got behind the wheel and took off down the street with another set of security following them.

“Who would do something like that?” she asked, holding on to Border.

“We don’t know but Star will find out. You’re safe with us, Malayna. Always,” Border said to her and she leaned against him as he held her close and let her lean on him for support.

* * * *