She shivered and tightened her eyes as she felt his hot breath against her neck, his fingers delving into her top and stroking her breast. She dropped the glass as she covered her body and then jerked, hearing the sound of it crashing to the floor.

The door sprung open.

“Malayna?” Star and his deep, penetrating tone filtered through the room. She remained in the dimness of the moonlight, her eyes glistening with tears and staring at the picture of the view from floor to tabletop. Just the bottom half of her captor could be seen, along with the thick, long knife he kept in the leather sheath, the strap of leather that held his holster and gun on the opposite side, and the thick, callused hand with the pink and red stone on his pinky finger stared at her.

She jerked as Star’s hands landed on her shoulders from behind. She didn’t twist away. She didn’t say a word. She just cried silent tears until the others joined them.

It was Lucca who knelt next to her chair with an expression of concern, his dark eyes scrunched up and his lips sealed in a thin line.

“Why are you crying?” he asked.

Krane picked up the empty glass and looked at her. “Were you drinking?” he asked her in that tone that reprimanded her and made her feel guilty, of what she didn’t know. Being around them meant so much, but lately she felt like she was walking on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing and turn them away from her. What would they think of her now, knowing she had been forced to remain on her knees even on her birthday, a day she had one wish that never came true.

“Malayna?” Border said her name and she blinked more tears from her eyes.

“I’m just remembering where I was a year ago today. Recalling how my birthday was celebrated and how I never got my wish. Not three years in a row did it come true.”

“What wish was that?” Star asked her, his hands still on her shoulders caressing her, infusing strength into her soul.

“To die,” she said and then sniffled as more tears flowed and Star’s hands stilled on her shoulders.

Border sat up and ran his hands along her thighs to her waist and pressed against her. He gripped her hips and gave her a shake. “If that wish came true, baby, then you wouldn’t be here with us now. You wouldn’t have Nicolai, Aspen, Nalia, or all the other family you have.”

She heard his words and felt his touch to her core. It was crazy but with him and Star touching her, holding her at the same time, she felt aroused and safe. She looked at Border and swallowed hard.

“I’m grateful to be here. To be alive and to have the opportunity to find happiness. I just don’t think I’ll ever feel whole, or not have this gap inside my heart, inside my spirit ever filled. It’s not something for you to have to worry about. I’m sorry. Why are you still here? Isn’t it late?” she asked, leaning forward as if she would get up even though she felt tipsy from the vodka.

“Slow down. There’s no need to get up. We stayed so we could spend some time with you,” Border told her.

“That’s nice, but I think I’m going to head to bed.”

“Not before we give you your birthday gift,” Krane said to her. She sat up in the chair and looked up at him then at Border, Lucca, and Star who moved to stand in front of her, too.

Lucca pulled out the small red velvet box.

“We know that Nicolai has gotten

you anything you could need. It’s just a little something Border thought of,” Lucca said and winked.

“Border?” she asked, surprised at that. He was so resistant to showing emotion. He was as hard and defiant as Star.

She smiled softly as tears filled her eyes. “You didn’t have to buy me anything. Just you all being here for my birthday means so much to me.”

“Really?” Star asked.

“Yes. I told you before, I feel safest when you’re around me.” She held his gaze a moment as he squinted at her like he didn’t believe her.

“Open the gift,” Krane pushed, revealing his excitement. She slowly opened the box and her heart swelled with love for them. Inside was a small gold paint palette, with a tiny diamond-studded paintbrush with chocolate diamonds lined up to look like the bristles of the brush, so delicate and tiny. Then for each color was a different set of tiny stones to look like paint. Red garnets for red, topaz for yellow, emeralds for green, blue sapphires for blue, and an orange spessartite garnet the color of a sunset.

“It’s so beautiful,” she whispered.

Border took the box from her hands, removed the necklace, and then went to put it on her. She stood up and lost her balance, but Lucca and Krane placed hands on her hips to steady her. She was surrounded by them.

“I drank a glass of vodka,” she said to them.

“One glass?” Star questioned her.

She held his gaze as she lifted her hair to give Border room to put on her necklace. She knew she looked sexy in her dress and that they couldn’t seem to keep their eyes off her all night. “Yes, just one, Star,” she said firmly. She was shocked when she felt Border’s lips press against the back of her neck and over the clasp of the necklace.