Her eyes widened, and she placed her hands on her hips and stared up at him.

“So, you want to jump on the bandwagon, too, and believe I’m guilty?”

“No, of course not.”

“Listen, Freeman, I don’t need you here making matters worse. I’m fine. I’ll get through it. I need to get back to work, so if you don’t mind?”

“Actually, I do mind,” he raised his voice firmly. “Why are you acting like this toward me? I came here to see you. I’ve been worried, and I wanted to make sure that you’re taken care of and are okay.”

“Wasn’t that what the two hundred grand was for that Corona put in my bank account?”

Freeman’s eyes widened. He had no idea. “What?”

She shook her head and exhaled. “Forget it. It doesn’t matter. That money is back in his account now. Viktor took care of it for me. So if you don’t mind.”

She went to push past him as he processed his thoughts and what she’d said. He knew Corona, and he hadn’t meant the money in a derogatory way or for it to make her feel as though they were paying her off. He gripped her tightly and pulled her close.

“Baby, he just meant to take care of you and to give you a cushion in case things got hard for you. It was his way of showing he cared, but also keeping his distance, because he feels like we can’t give you what you deserve, what you need and want.”

“I got the message loud and clear. It made me feel like some high-priced whore. Don’t fret over it, Freeman. I’m a big girl, and I’m over it now. Just leave me alone. I don’t have time for this. I have to get back to work. Mirella was a no-show.”

She pulled the door open and waited for him to leave. Freeman didn’t want to. He wanted to talk to her and explain. He wanted to call Corona and let him know what he’d done to Nina and how he’d made her feel. What the fuck was his commander thinking? What was his team thinking, pushing Nina away and acting as if they didn’t already love her?

He walked out of the office, and she closed the door and headed past him. He walked back to the bar and pulled out his phone. They needed to hear what they’d done to her.

* * * *

“What the fuck was she thinking?”

“I know. I was shocked, especially as she barely missed being seen by Mirella. We have to call Viktor and let him know what’s going on,” Paulie told his boss.

“I’ll take care of it. Did you get the other evidence?”

“Yes, I spoke with Charro and made him understand that his cooperation was important to ensure his life. Polo has him now,” Paulie added.

“I can’t believe she took it upon herself to go to Polo like that. She must feel like there’s no one who cares about her. Where is Mirella now?”

“I don’t have a clue. She isn’t at Bailey’s. I’m here now. But there’s something else.”

“What now?”

“One of those soldiers, Freeman Turner, showed up, and Nina didn’t look too happy. He followed her into the back office, and it wasn’t for long. They’re both out now. She looks sad and angry, and he looks pissed off.”

“I still can’t figure out why they put that two hundred grand in her account. It’s not there now. It was transferred back to Corona. What could that have been over?”

“I don’t know. I’ll make sure she has protection, especially since Mirella disappeared. If she’s the one who stole the drugs and the money from Polo and set up Zinc and Nina, then she’s on the run and probably pissed off at the world.”

“Watch out for her, and I’ll take care of things on this end.”

“What if Viktor doesn’t accept you not identifying yourself?”

“You may be right. I think this kind of situation calls for going to the top. Keep me informed.”

Paulie disconnected the call and felt his own heart racing. His boss was calling Nicolai directly. He was willing to risk his existence and the knowledge that he was still alive and well, after planning so carefully to be dead for so long. Nina must be his biological daughter.

* * * *

Nina was tired, and it was so late she felt exhausted and spent. It seemed being pregnant drained a bunch of energy from her. She supposed it was something she needed to get used to. As the baby grew, it would need more and more, and once the baby was born, life was going to be completely different as a single mom.