She tried to look at him and felt the tears, and the emotions hit her.

“Don’t cry, baby. It will only make the pain worse,” Gator said.

“I can’t take this. Please help me get up. I have to get out of bed. Help me.”

“You had a bath last night. We weren’t even supposed to do that. I don’t think trekking around in the cool temperatures is a smart idea,” Gabe told her.

“I don’t care. I’m going insane. Help me.”

It took some time and convincing, but finally Gabe and Gator helped her out of bed. They helped her brush her teeth as best they could and then get dressed. Gator lifted her up and carried her downstairs where Jaxon, Geno, and Jeb were preparing lunch.

“We almost have it ready. Did Alana wake up yet?” Jaxon asked as he was fixing the tray of food.

“Yes she did,” Alana said, and all three of them turned to look at her.

“What the fuck is she doing out of bed?” Jaxon yelled.

“Jesus. Gator, Gabe she’s not supposed to be moving around,” Jeb added, running over to her as Gator placed her down onto the chair. She cringed and moaned.

“See?” Geno yelled, raising his hand in the air.

“Just get a cushion or two from the sofa, and I’ll be fine,” she said.

Jaxon turned away from her and faced the counter. He ran his hand over his face, and she knew he was still so upset at the sight of her injuries.

“We made some chicken soup and grilled cheese. Do you think you can handle that?” Geno asked her as he took the seat next to her and placed his fingers under her chin. She forced a small smile, despite the pain.

“Of course I can. I’m starving,” she told him.

He smiled. “That’s a good thing.”

“Yes, a very good thing,” Jeb said and leaned down and kissed her cheek where she wasn’t bruised.

Geno walked toward the counter and carried a tray they had prepared to bring her in bed, as they had been doing every day for the past two weeks.

The others poured bowls of soup from the large pot and also plated some grilled cheese sandwiches Jaxon and Geno had made. They all gathered around her at the table, and Jaxon waited to join them.


When she said his name, he stiffened, still looking away from her. She squinted and gulped.

“I can’t really see you too well. Are you hiding from me?” she asked. The others stared at their bowls of food and seemed to be pretending to eat.

“Not hiding from you, baby. Just wiping down the stove.”

“Well, come join us. I’ve missed not eating at the table with you guys.”

He walked over and sat down with his bowl of soup, way across at the other side.

“Well, that’s because you shouldn’t be down here yet.”

She took a sip from her spoon and let the hot liquid ease down her throat. It actually felt good.

“Says who?” she challenged.

Jaxon put his spoon down.

“Says me, and I’m the one in charge of this family and responsible for everyone’s well-being. So eat up, and then it’s back to bed.”