“Isn’t that right, commander?”

He smirked to himself. He’d prove he was the best soldier ever, even to his dead commander and the rest of his troop who could no longer join the fight with him.

* * * *

“You’re something else, do you know that?” Jeb asked Alana as he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her from behind.

She stared out toward the barbecue and all Gabe’s family and friends.

“Me? I didn’t do anything,” she whispered.

He kissed her neck and inhaled against her skin.

“Doll, you brought him back to us, to his family and to you.”

She turned in his arms and ran her hands up his chest to his shoulders, her expression serious.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Jeb looked over her shoulder and saw Gabe smiling and talking with some friends. Jaxon, Gator, and Geno were laughing with Gabe’s mom and dad, and Jeb felt content.

“Gabe had so many issues when he retired from the Corps. A lot of guys lose their minds or try to hurt themselves. He just closed up and wouldn’t allow anyone in. We all had a rough time. Nightmares, anxiety attacks, and just trying to fit in. But Gabe shut down. He was abrupt and angry all the time, and he wanted nothing to do with talking about his home or his past. Jaxon even tried to encourage him to call his family. We didn’t even know about you.”

She looked down, and he lifted her chin back up with his fingers.

“Hey, I’m not kidding when I say he was fucked up.”

“I know. He was pretty straightforward about wanting me to think of him as dead,” she said.

“But you changed that. You changed all of us. You really brought this team together like we haven’t been in years. I mean we’ve always relied on one another and just knew we needed to continue to live our lives as a team, but we never expected to feel the way you’ve made us feel, Alana. You truly complete us, and I want you to know that I love you.”

“Oh, Jeb, I love you too.” She stood up on tiptoes, and he lifted her higher so he could kiss her.

“Hey, if she’s handing out kisses, I want some too,” Gator teased, joining them.

Jeb released her to Gator, who pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

“You’re an angel, doll, our very own angel, and I love you,” he told her.

“And I love you.”

“And what about me?” Geno asked.

She chuckled, and Jeb smiled wide.

“Who couldn’t love you?” she said, pulling him closer by his shirt. She stood up on tiptoes and whispered to him, “And that dirty little mouth and mind of yours.” She kissed him.

Geno ran his hands along her ass, squeezing her.

“You’re the one who mentioned getting dirty. I’ve got some very dirty thoughts about you and this fine piece of ass.”

She gave his shoulder a smack, and Jeb laughed.

* * * *

Jaxon was standing by the large tree and swing where Jim and Teddy were. They talked about the recent murders of two young women and how they were trying to catch the guy.

‘Yeah, I read about it in the papers and online. Sick bastard. Are you guys any closer to catching him?”