He fell against her then felt the hands on his arms. Jaxon was there to help him sit down.

He eased out of her ass and stumbled to the side of the bed

He caught sight of Jaxon walking away but not before he gave Alana’s ass a smack.

Gabe was overwhelmed with emotion. They were more than buddies, soldiers of a team. They were brothers. They were family, and because of Alana, they were bound for life, and nothing could ever destroy what they shared. Nothing.

* * * *

Alana was looking at her phone and re-reading the e-mail from Michael and Marcy.

She couldn’t even reply. How could she? Whatever she said was laced with lies.

All is well. I’m doing fine. Just working two jobs and getting involved in a ménage relationship with five Marines. Oh, and one of them is Gabe. He’s alive, by the way.


She screeched as she felt the hand on her shoulder. She turned to find Gabe there.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, drawing attention from Jaxon, who was looking at the computer screen and appearing serious with his eyes squinted and concern on his face.

“Just reading e-mails.”

“From who?” he asked as he sat down on the couch next to her and placed his arm over her shoulders.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“From your parents.”

Gabe pulled back, and Jaxon looked up from the laptop.

She tried to gauge Gabe’s reaction, and he looked away from her toward the window that looked out over the backyard.

Alana covered his arm.

“You need to tell them you’re alive.”

He stood up and limped toward the window, using his cane for support.


“Alana, I can’t. I’m not ready for that.”

She stood up and walked toward him.

“Gabe, they’re so sad. They miss you so much, and this isn’t right. I get to love you, to hold you in my arms and be with you, but your parents still think you’re dead. You have to let them know. You have to let everyone know that you’re alive.”


“Jesus, baby.” He ran his hand over his mouth and turned toward the window.

Alana wrapped her arms around his waist from behind and pressed her head and cheek against his back.

“So many people love you Gabe. Let the fear, the insecurities go. You’re not a failure. You’re a hero, and I love you.”

Gabe turned around and hugged her. She placed her cheek against his chest and looked at Jaxon, Geno, Gator, and Jeb.

“It’s your choice, Gabe. We’ll be there right by your side the entire time,” Gator told him.