He continued to caress her hair. “I missed you, baby.”

She tilted her head up and ran the palm of her hand along his chest.

“I missed you so much too, Gabe.”

“I thought I wanted to die, or at least be dead, so I wouldn’t have to face anyone.”

She lifted up and held herself up, leaning on her elbow.

“What do you mean face everyone? Why? Because you’re injured?”

He released an annoyed sigh and tried adjusting his position, cringing from the ache. She ran her palm over his belly and held his gaze.

“Tell me why,” she demanded to know.

He ran his hand along her ass as she pulled the sheets to cover her breasts.

He looked away.

“I didn’t want you to see me like this. A failure, a weak invalid who can’t even walk without a fucking cane.”

“No Gabe. Why would you think that? How could you see yourself as a failure when you’re a hero.”

He shook his head. “I’m not a hero. I’m all fucked up, and you deserve better. How could I ask a beautiful, perfect woman like you to take me back when you could have perfect men like the others?”

She held his gaze and processed what he was sharing with her.

“God, I really want to smack some sense into you, Gabe. Are you out of your mind? I love you. Always have, and none of that has changed.”

“But your dad came back fine.”

“Oh, Gabe, I told you about how my dad suffered with nightmares. He wasn’t perfect. Why would you think I would want perfect?”

He pushed the sheets down and away from her breasts then lifted her up and over his hips. He widened his thighs, and she fell forward as he cupped her hair and head, bringing her closer to his lips.

“Because you’re perfect.” He kissed her, and Alana held on to him as they made love again and moved another step closer to putting the past behind them.

Chapter 5

Sarah Lark finished working at the salon and made her way down the street to the parking lot. She was exhausted. It had been a long day, a long week for that matter, and all she wanted to do was go home to take a nice hot bath.

Her cell phone rang, and she fumbled with her keys to unlock the door as she answered the phone. Using her shoulder to hold her phone as she tossed her purse then bag into the front passenger seat, she heard her friend Elizabeth’s excitement.

“Hey, where are you? You’re not still working, are you? We’re all here at the club.”

“Oh God, Elizabeth. I just got off work. I’m getting into my car now.”

“You have to come here. The guys are smoking hot.”

“You say that all the time. I just don’t think I have the energy tonight.”

“Oh come on over for one drink. If you don’t feel better and can’t stay, then leave. But you have come here. It’s so much fun, and every one who is anyone is here.”

Sarah took a deep breath and released it. “Fine. One drink and then a bubble bath is calling my name.”

Fifteen minutes later, and after she finally found a parking spot two small shopping centers away, Sarah walked into the club. Elizabeth was right. It was jam-packed, and there were so many people. She felt encouraged that she’d made the right choice in coming here.

As she approached her friends, she noticed the guys around them, and Elizabeth had been right. There were some smoking-hot guys here.