* * * *

Alana was relieved when Jaxon handed her a glass of wine. She wondered if she could even hold the glass she was shaking so hard. To see Gabe, to get that reaction from him, but for him not to touch her made her irate. But she got to him. She could see it in his eyes, his body language, and that was a plus as far as making progress went.

“Thank you, Jaxon. What are you guys having?” She took a sip and turned toward the others.

They were all standing there looking her over as though she was the meal instead of the fancy chicken dish. Her pussy clenched, and she took several sips of liquid courage until Jeb placed his hand at her lower back.

“We’re having beer. Jaxon and Gabe are the ones who like wine. How about we go sit in the living room?” Jeb suggested.

“Your home is so big. Could I get a tour? Do we have enough time before dinner?”

Jeb smiled at her.

“Of course. Bring your wine,” he said, and she followed him out of the kitchen with Jaxon, Gator, and Geno behind them. Gabe remained behind.

As they showed her their home, she realized pretty quickly that they maintained their military structure and cleanliness. Everything had a place, an order in every room. The decorations were scarce, and the furnishings perfect, but not lived in. Their bedrooms were a different story, starting with Jeb’s.

“This is nice, Jeb. I guess you’re into world history?” She ran her hands along the many historical books on war and on weapons. He had some models of intricate weaponry on his desk shelf and a few paintings on the walls of Marine Corps history.

His bed was big with a thick hunter-green comforter and burgundy pillows, but it was devoid of any decorative pillows or even a blanket.

She was looking at the few personal items on the shelf, trying to get an understanding of Jeb, when he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She set her wine glass down so it wouldn’t spill, and he kissed along her neck.

“You smell so good baby,” he whispered.

His lips seared her skin, and she turned in his arms and kissed him back. Then someone cleared their throat, reminding them that they weren’t alone. They parted, and Jaxon handed her the glass of wine, giving a stern expression to Jeb before they headed out of the room and into Gator’s room.

Apparently he was into strong men contests, weight lifting, and music. A saxophone lay on a stand in the corner next to another containing music sheets. There was even a small amplifier on the floor.

“Gator, you play the saxophone?” she asked him.

He nodded but looked a little worried that she wouldn’t like that.

She touched his arm and smiled.

“That is so cool. Can you play something?”

“Right now?” he asked.

“If the others don’t mind.” She looked at Jeb, Jaxon, and Geno.

“Go ahead, big guy, impress the woman,” Geno added and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Alana smiled as Gator sat down and began to play some sexy, slow jazz song.

She was swaying to the sound, smiling wide and truly impressed when Geno took her hand, handed the wine glass to Jaxon, and began to dance slowly with her in Gator’s bedroom. The sound of the jazz music and the feel of Geno’s hands holding her, caressing her was arousing to say the least.

With Jeb and Jaxon watching, she became even more aroused, and then Geno ran the palm of his hand along her ass then to her waist before cupping her breast.

She gasped, and he kissed her, catching her moan and swinging their hips to the music.

It was erotic and sexy, and then she felt the second set of hands on her hips from behind, and a thick, hard cock pressed against the seam of her ass.

Geno released her lips but continued to suckle her skin along her neck. Jaxon ran his hands along her hips and her thighs then toward the front of her skirt and under the material.

“Open for me, baby. Let me feel how turned on you are,” Jaxon whispered.

She did exactly what he asked without preamble or fear. She wanted their touch. She craved the power of the desire they brought out in her. Geno helped her part her thighs by pressing hers wider with his leg. The moment she felt Jaxon’s hands against her skin and along her groin, she panicked and tightened.