She looked at him peculiarly, as if she were on to his possessive tactics of staking a public claim.

“It’s just a plain black skirt.”

He shook his head. “Not on you. It shows your shapely figure and long sexy thighs, and my favorite part is how accessible it is.” He ran a hand along the hem as if he would raise it up right here in the deli, and she slapped his hand away and turned to sit.

“Jaxon,” she reprimanded and took the seat next to Jeb, who looked hungry and aroused.

He leaned closer to her. “Sure you have to go back to work today? Jaxon and I would love to find out what you’re hiding under that skirt.”

“Stop it, Jeb, you’re making a scene,” she reprimanded, lowering her head, blushing. It was obvious by her red cheeks she was embarrassed by the attention..

Both of them chuckled then lifted up the specials menu.

“What do you feel like having?” Jaxon asked.

“Alana,” Jeb teased.

Jaxon chuckled as his buddy played along, obviously feeling the same things he was feeling. Alana released an annoyed sigh.

“If you’re going to do this to me, then I won’t be having lunch with either of you again.”

Jaxon widened his eyes as he took her hand and held it.

“Now, darling, don’t be making any threats. You behave, or there’ll be trouble.” He winked at her.

“What kind of—”

She gulped, and her cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink.

She might be a bit inexperienced, but she got the hint of his meaning.

She cleared her throat.

“I think I’ll just have the chicken salad sandwich.”

Jeb smiled. “I’ll go place the order. Jaxon, what about you?”

Jaxon ordered an Italian combo and an iced tea and then watched Jeb walk up to the counter to place the order.

He turned toward Alana, and she was watching Jeb too. In fact, she looked to be checking out his ass.

* * * *

Alana felt as though her body was going to snap. It was taking all the self-control she could muster not to tell Jeb and Jaxon that she wanted them to kiss her, touch her, and just hold her in their big, strong arms. But she couldn’t be so brazen. She was feeling uneasy and overwhelmed. They were both so big and handsome. Jaxon with his striking blue eyes, blond hair, and commanding demeanor was intimidating. Jeb’s deep brown eyes and dark hair made him seem so hard-core, mysterious, and powerful.

All four of the men were to die for. Geno with his brown hair and light brown eyes had the softer, more approachable personality, yet he seemed meticulous, orderly, and in charge. Then there was Gator. God, she’d thought of Gator just this morning when she was showering. He was the tallest of the men, with jet-black hair, military styled, and dark blue eyes that bored right through to her soul. He stood at six feet four inches, and she was a shrimp when he was nearby. It made her feel protected, shielded by anything bad or evil, and that, of course, made her aroused and downright horny.

She took a deep breath and released it as Jaxon watched her. These were Marines. Capable, hard, never-give-up-or-give-in Marines. Lordy was she in a heap of trouble.

“So how is work going today?” he asked her.

“Fine so far. They got in a new shipment of fall clothing, so we’re trying to rearrange the racks. You know, place things on the discount or sale racks and then set up the new displays. We have to re-tag all the old items and then place new tags on the new items so they ring up properly at the front register. It’s busy work, so it makes the time go by.”

“Which do you like better, the boutique or working at Casper’s?”

“Well, besides clothing there are other popular items sold in the boutique so it keeps me busy. I like working at Casper’s because it’s harder work physically. I’m constantly moving around, and there are so many people to meet.”

He looked a little angry for a flash of a second, and she squinted at him.