She held his gaze for a few torturous moments, and he thought she would decline and hide behind Gunner, a protective security blanket. Instead, she nodded.

“I’m not angry with you, or even Jaxon, Geno, and Jeb. I’m angry with Gabe.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her against his body. He cupped her cheek and stared down into her eyes so she would hopefully see how serious and sincere he was.

“I understand that. I want to talk to you about that, but I also want to make sure that you’re safe. I’m going to drive you back to your place and make sure your cottage is secure.”

Her eyes widened just as they heard the other voice.

“I’m going too,” Geno said as he joined them.

Gia looked at Alana, who turned toward her as she asked, “Are you okay with this?”

Alana didn’t answer for a moment, and Gator, who thought he was built of steel, especially around his heart, felt nervous with anticipation.

Alana nodded. “I’ll be fine. They really don’t have to check the cottage.”

Gator glided his hand along her lower back then took her hand and clasped it in his.

“It will make us feel better if we do. Come on. The truck is parked a few rows down.”

Alana hugged Gia goodbye then Gunner, Garret, and Wes kissed her cheek and gave Gator and even Geno a warning look. But none of it mattered. Just being with Alana and working out these emotions did.

* * * *

They guided her to a big black truck. Not the same one that the guys had delivered her desk in a couple of weeks ago. Geno had a hand on her lower back, and Gator kept her hand encased in his. She couldn’t help it, but it seemed that these men made all her senses work overtime. She was aware of their masculinity, the scents of their colognes, and, of course, the muscles and sex appeal Geno and Gator had.

She’d been touched by only one man before, but here she was getting completely turned on by two right now. However, her mind kept springing back to Gabe and his stupid attitude. What crazy ideas were going through his head? Why did he want to push her away yet seem to want to keep her within arm’s reach without touching her or making her his again? It hurt. It really hurt.

The sound of the large truck door opening brought her mind out of the sadness and emotion for a moment. Especially as she reached up to grab the handle at the top of the door to boost her small frame up into the high seat. But then strong arms encased her lower back and under her knees, lifted her up, and placed her into the seat.

She gasped and held on to Geno.

“Scoot on over sexy. Make room for me too.”

His brown eyes sparkled, and her inner core pounded. Was that a little cream that leaked from her pussy?

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and slid along the seat, even her ass felt sensitive in her tight blue jeans.

She clasped her hands on her lap as Gator, all six feet four of muscle and man in a dark brown shirt bumped into her. She was caught between two huge-ass men, and her whole body erupted with pure lust. She was shocked as he started the engine and the roar of the diesel caused a vibration throughout the vehicle, especially to her more intimate parts. She tried to analyze the effect these men had on her as Gator drove slowly through the parking lot, but her mind couldn’t focus, wouldn’t focus on anything but the vibrations deep in her cunt and across her nipples that seemed to hum and electrify with the vibrations of the diesel e


She gasped and turned to the right as Geno’s hand gently covered her knee.

“You’re shaking, baby. You’re safe with us, don’t you know that?” he asked her. His brown eyes, his large presence and masculinity mesmerized her as she nodded like some mute or a teenage girl infatuated with the sexy, older man.

God, and they were older. Maybe ten years, she wasn’t sure.

“How old are you guys?” she asked without thinking.

Geno squinted at her as he slowly ran the palm of his hand back and forth on her thigh. With each stroke, his hand moved higher, deeper toward her crotch. She was getting hot, feeling like moving her thighs just slightly farther apart to feel his thick fingers closer to where she seemed to want them.

“Old enough to know what naughty thoughts are going through your head right now, doll.”

She was snapped back to realty, feeling caught acting like that teenage girl instead of a grown woman who knew better how to control her own desires. She crossed her legs, forcing his hand out from her inner knee, only for him to clasp both legs and pull her closer to his steely thigh.

As she held his intense gaze, Gator took her hand and placed it on his one thigh as he drove. She was shaking now, and it became obvious how inexperienced she was.