“What? I’m not intentionally hurting her.”

“Then why follow her if you didn’t mean to upset her?” Geno asked this time.

“I wanted to try to talk with her, and then I saw her with Vincent.”

“Vincent?” Geno asked and then looked furious and jealous all at once. Gabe had felt the same way but had denied it.

“I interrupted them. He was telling her she could call him any time she needed him and that his cousin was going to take extra care to watch over her and the cottage.”

“Fucking asshole.” Geno practically spat his words.

“What did you do?” Jaxon asked.

“I told him that we had her covered and she didn’t need his help. Then I got her away from him.”

“And?” Jaxon pushed.

Gabe took a deep breath. The conversation had gone all wrong. He’d fucked up.

“I told her that she shouldn’t talk with a guy like Vincent and that he wasn’t right for her. From there on, it got ugly. End of story. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You heard about the guy in the woods, and you know none of us plan on leaving her alone in that cottage tonight or any night,” Jeb stated.

“Good luck with that. She’s on fire right now, and they’ll be no negotiating. Trust me, Alana’s a hell of a lot tougher than you guys know.”

Gabe turned around and began to walk toward the parking lot. He’d screwed up, and she seemed to know that he was pushing her away on purpose yet didn’t want to. He needed his buddies. He needed their help and for them to be part of taking care of Alana. The only major problem was that he would be forced to stand by and watch them make love to her when he couldn’t share that intimacy with Alana ever again. Not with his scars, the chunk of flesh out of his leg, and his inability to love her fully like they could.

His heart ached something terrible, and a tear nearly fell from his eye.

I love you so goddamn much, Alana. But I can’t give you everything you deserve. I can’t.

* * * *

Alana was heading toward Gia and Garrett when Gator locked gazes with Gunner, who was standing right beside them.

Gunner knew something was up, and he placed himself in front of Alana and gave Gator the stare down.

“Alana.” Gator said her name, and Gunner raised his hand palm forward.

“Slow down, Gator. What’s going on? Why is she upset?” Gunner asked in a protective manner.

It both angered Gator because he felt it was his job to protect her and also made him proud. Proud to have such good friends and loyal men like Gunner watching over Alana too.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Gia asked Alana. But instead of seeing tears, or even hearing sniffling or crying, Gator heard Alana practically growl.

“That stupid, hard-headed, delusional Marine. He’s pushing me away on purpose because of something stupid. I just know it.” Alana said to them.

“Alana, I don’t know what happened between you and Gabe back there, but we need to talk.” Gator took her hand, pulling her toward him as he pressed closer.

She had tears in her eyes, but her chest was blotchy, probably from getting so angry at Gabe, and her eyes stared at him as she thought of what to say.

When she laid her hand against his chest, he felt his whole world turn upside down. He liked the feel of her feminine, delicate palm against his chest, and he loved how she was petite and he towered over her.

“Alana, you can leave with us right now,” Gunner stated firmly.

“I’m taking her home and making sure her place is secure. There’s things we’re going to discuss,” he said to Gunner then looked back down into Alana’s eyes.

“Please, Alana, hear me out.”