“Are you certain it’s best for Alana too? I’ve thought about my own attraction to her, and honestly, I’m afraid it might cause a wedge between Gabe and me,” Jaxon admitted.

“I think it’s exactly what she needs,” Geno told them. “It’s what Gabe needs. That push to remember why he was out there fighting, and that there are people who care about him. For Alana, hell, she lives all alone. She admitted to not kissing any other man since Gabe. We can help heal her and protect her so she’s never alone again. They’ll always be one of us with her at all times. She’ll know she has Gabe and all of us to take care of her and be here for her. We’ve seen these relationship work for men just like us, and for similar reasons. There’s not much we do alone anymore. This is a great idea.”

“And Alana? How will we explain our intentions?” Jaxon asked.

“Slowly and diligently. You weren’t there last night. We’re not the only men interested in getting to know Alana. In fact, we’re heading to the fair by noontime. Alana should be going there with Garrett, Gunner, Wes, and Gia,” Gator told him.

“And Gabe?” Jeb asked.

“We’ll bring him along, but he’s on his own. This is something he has to learn to handle, and it’s his decision to join us or to let Alana move on,” Geno said, and they all agreed before they headed into the house to get ready.

* * * *

Alana stood on the porch, and an eerie feeling filled her belly. It was sudden. A sensation like she was being watched. She squinted her eyes toward the woods, as if that might help her see more clearly. But no such luck. It seemed her eyes were playing tricks on her. For every movement of a branch or a tree, she thought she saw a shadow of someone.

But her father had trained her well. Being the daughter of a Marine, she’d learned early how to shoot guns and be ready for the unexpected. She had a lot of friends whose fathers or mothers were cops, and they were just as well trained. Deciding that it was better to go back inside to wait for Gia and the guys to get there, she stood up and saw the movement in the corner of her eye. Sure as shit, there was someone out there.

Her heart pounded, and she hurried inside to where her gun was. The sound of banging on the door made her scream aloud, and she held the gun steady in her hands.

“Who is it?” she yelled.

“Alana, it’s Gia. Are you okay?”

Alana lowered the gun and sighed in relief. She quickly unlocked the door and opened it.

Gia looked at her face and then the gun in her hand.

“What’s wrong?” Gia asked as Garrett, Gunner, and Wes hurried up the walkway.

“I was out back on the porch waiting, and I thought I saw someone watching me. As I got up to go inside because I felt creepy, I saw him in the woods.”

“Jesus,” Wes said.

“We’ll go check it out. You get inside and wait for us,” Gunner said, and he and Garrett headed around the house.

Alana put the safety on her gun and then walked over to the cabinet.

“You got yourself a damn arsenal, woman. You know how to use all those guns?” Wes asked, moving closer.

“Of course I do. Trained by one of the best.”

“What, a cop?” Wes asked.

“No. Marine.”

Wes looked at Gia, and Alana noticed the exchange.

“You talking about Gabe Weathers?”

She shook her head and felt the tightness in her chest. She was still shaking with concern over the strange man in the woods watching her.

“My daddy,” she told Wes then closed the cabinet.

“Your father was a Marine, huh? Something else we have in common, Alana, besides knowing how to make a mean martini,” Wes teased.

The front door opened, and Alana jumped. Garrett and Gunner were there.

“Was definitely someone out there. Saw some boot prints. They’re not there now. Did you get a good look at the guy?” Gunner asked her, and Alana shook her head.