“I doubt it, considering the FBI is waiting to talk to you.”

“Does that little auditor of yours know you need to marry and have a kid to inherit?”

I hadn’t expect Bailey to be here for this conversation. When her hand loosened from my cock, I caught it before she could completely pull away.

My next words were for both of them.

“If I marry her, it’s not for my father’s money. She’s worth more than that.”

His laugh sounded bitter. “That’s what your father said when he married your mom against his family’s wishes. Look how that turned out.”

It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did. I said nothing as the guy left.

But Bailey, on the other hand, had lots to say.


“When were you going to tell me?” I asked, after I’d tucked his cock away and gotten to my feet.

“Never,” he said.

“Why not?” I asked, upset that he’d kept this from me.

“It’s like I said. It was never about the money.”

“But you were going to marry me for Gabe,” I tossed back at him.

“You can understand now what lengths you’d go through for your child. But besides that, I was still in love with you when I asked.”

“It’s just…”

I leaned back on his desk and his eyes followed as a crestfallen expression filled his face.

“Don’t marry me.”

My mouth hung open as I hadn’t expected our conversation to take that turn.

“You don’t want—”

“I do, but not if you think that’s what I want. Live with me. Start a family with me. I don’t need the piece of paper if you have any doubts about us.”

I swallowed. “You’d do that. Lose the money.”

“If there’s one thing I learned in life is that money doesn’t mean happiness. Living without you isn’t a life at all.”

Tears sprang from my eyes as I rushed forward to crawl in his lap.

“Of course I’ll marry you.”

He kissed me with such tenderness I clung to him.

“So now you want my money,” he said, though he sounded amused as he wiped the moisture from my face.

“No. I’ll sign whatever prenup you want. I just don’t want Charles to have it.”

He kissed my lips one more time. “What a pair we make. Me the dark, you the light.”

“The yin to my yang.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he said as I dropped my forehead to meet his.

“If the FBI is involved, does this mean you’re free of suspicion?”

He signed. “The investigation has changed gears. My new lawyer tells me I’m no longer a person of interest. They aren’t building a case against me any longer.”

“And the SEC?”

“Them too, not that they had power. But the evidence against Charles is substantial thanks to you.”

“Not me. But that’s good.”

“Yes, you, and it is.”

Before he could say more, his stoic assistant’s voice put an end to our talk.

“Mr. King, your two o’clock call is on hold.”

She didn’t like me very much, especially when I insisted that he would want to see me even if I was unannounced.

“I have to go and you do too,” he said, setting me on my feet.

“Are we in agreement?”

He cocked his head. “What am I agreeing to?”

“A truce.” He narrowed his eyes, so I clarified, “Tonight. You and I will finish what we started.”

A mischievous grin grew. “You know how I like to keep my word.”

I grinned back. “As do I. And if we aren’t getting married, I guess we’ll live life in a sex-free zone.”

“We’re not getting married now, Miss Glicks?”

I hadn’t changed my mind, but he didn’t need to know yet. I tapped my chin. “I’ll see if you can convince me tonight.”

He chuckled before steering me toward the door. “I have to take this call, but I’ll be thinking about you for the rest of the day,” he said, patting my ass as I walked off. “I’ll have a driver take you.” I frowned. “Don’t fight me.”

I sighed and went for the coup de gras. “Think about this,” I said, lifting the back of my coat to flash my ass, which the thong I wore hid little.

“Lass,” Kalen grumbled.

I giggled. “Don’t be late.”

Gabe wasn’t expected home early and I’d hoped to become very reacquainted with Kalen’s cock before he did.

First things first, I had another errand to run.

Lizzy had taken me to get my hair done and dropped me off at Kalen’s office, and I’d told her not to wait. Kalen wouldn’t budge on a driver, so I had to be creative as I got into the waiting car.

“I need to stop at my building for a package.”

My driver wasn’t pleased but bowed to my will. Only he wouldn’t wait in the car.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I have my orders.”

My lie was going to bite me in the ass if I didn’t think quickly.

“Miss Glicks,” the doorman said. “It’s so nice to see you.”

“You too. I hope your family is well.”