“I know. I guess I can empathize with them in that category.” She pulled together her things, preparing to leave for the weekend.

“You have the Haas family. They speak very highly of you. It’s almost like you’re their daughter.” He stood straight and watched her gather her things.

She felt the blush hit her cheeks. “I’m not though. They’re just really nice.”

“They adopted Brody and Waylon when they were just kids. Their mother died and their father disappeared on them. He was a lowlife from the start.”

“Really? I mean, I knew that they were adopted, but not the story behind it.”

“Well, Elise, Sam, Jordan, and Tysen share something very special. They have huge hearts and would do anything to help someone in need.”

“I know. Regan and Velma are lucky to have them.”

They heard a knock on the door and Felicia was there.

“Hi, Felicia,” Toby said and motioned for her to come in. Amelia said hello, too.

“I’m so glad I caught you two before you leave. I have a situation for Saturday morning.”

“What’s going on?”

“Well, Ryan called. He can’t run the table from eight until twelve. I don’t have a replacement.”

“Well, what does it entail?” Amelia asked.

“You get to sweat your butt off for four hours, smile, flirt, do whatever, to sell raffle tickets to our July fundraiser event. This year, we’re having a family day picnic on Sonoma Lake. We’d like to pay for everything ourselves, so that the soldiers and their families can just enjoy themselves. A lot of them are on fixed incomes or barely making it.”

“Well, I would love to help. I was only planning on moving into the cottage, but I can do that in the afternoon. I’m behind schedule, since my car arrived from New York so late. But I don’t have much to move,” Amelia volunteered.

“Oh God, Amelia, are you sure?” Felicia asked.

“Yes. Definitely. Just give me directions to where I have to be and whom I have to report to and I’ll be there tomorrow morning.”

Felicia hugged Amelia and Amelia was shocked.

“I knew you were an angel. I just knew it. Just a few minutes in a room with you, and it’s obvious how loving and compassionate you are. Thank you. I’ll write everything down for you now,” Felicia said then walked out of the room to get paper and a pen.

Amelia looked at Toby and he smiled.

“She’s right, you know? You’re an asset to the program and the guys. The families are saying positive things about you. Your personal insight into their emotions is compelling.”

She felt embarrassed a moment as she lowered her eyes.

“I guess I just understand what they’re going through and want to help them any way I can.”

“I’m surprised that your degree isn’t in counseling or social work. You would be great.”

“I appreciate that. But, I like what I do. I like organizing and planning. When there’s a positive end result, then I’m satisfied and feel complete.”

Toby smiled. “Well, I guess we’ll call it a night. I’ll probably see you at the fair tomorrow. I’m helping to run the dunking tank. The guys from the fire department offered half the donation money if I assisted. I think they’re going to try to talk me into sitting in the damn thing.”

Amelia laughed then tapped him on the shoulder. “It’s all for a good cause, boss.”

He chuckled as they headed out of the office. Felicia waved good-bye after handing Amelia directions and details on the event.

* * * *

The moment Murphy arrived at eleven o’clock he spotted Amelia. His heart was hammering in his chest and his blood pressure shot nearly to the moon. She was working at a raffle table, currently surrounded by a half a dozen men, and she was laughing. She wore a gorgeous-looking yellow halter dress that accentuated her large breasts, trim waist, and of course her toned, tanned arms. She looked like a goddess. Her hair was braided on some fancy style and bunched around her head in some intricate design. As he moved closer, he noticed the tiny yellow flowers scattered here and there between the braided hair. She looked beautiful.