By the time we sat down at the island, I still wasn’t sure we’d make it through dinner. My body was a live wire, fully aware of his every movement.
I tried my best to focus on my food, but his kissable lips inspired fantasies I wanted to recreate. I tightened my thighs, trying not to be so affected by him.
“So, are you a restaurateur?” I asked.
When his brow lifted, I added, “You seem adept at picking meals, having them available and delivered with a mere thought.”
He chuckled. “No, I don’t actually own any restaurants.”
“Oh, and here I thought a mere mortal would have said, ‘I don’t work at a restaurant.’ But you said own.”
I let him chew on that and thought he might not say anything in response.
“Actually, I don’t own anything. Not yet at least.”
“Mmm,” I teased. “So, does that mean in the future you will?”
An amused smile played on his lips. “That’s the plan.”
Just as I looked for something to say, he lifted his hand and cupped my chin. I wasn’t prepared for him to skim his thumb across my lower lip, over to the corner of my mouth, only to then lick it clean.
“You had a spot there,” he said, pointing at my mouth.
There was no way I would let him see my disappointment that he hadn’t drawn me in for a kiss. I couldn’t remember if we’d ever kissed. But that wasn’t true. We hadn’t. We’d nipped at each other during the countdown. But that was it.
I stood, picking up my plate. He must have read me well because he followed. When I set my dish in the sink, he came up beside me and did the same before dipping his head low. Only his lips ghosted over mine, their destination farther than I’d wanted.
At my ear, he said, “I have to have you, lass. I can’t wait any longer.”
Call me weak, but dammit, I was. The pulse at my center was a detonator ready to go off. What did kissing matter? I lied to myself. He’s just a fuck buddy, as Lizzy would say.
I gave over to the impulse. “Have me.”
With that, he scooped me up and tossed me over his shoulder, sending a shriek out of my mouth. “I’m not a sack of potatoes,” I protested in a fit of giggles.
“No, you taste better,” he said, walking down the hall like he knew where he was going. Although the apartment was huge, there was only the one hallway. “Which is your room?”
Blood rushed to my head, leaving me a little breathless. Not to mention being so near his ass. I snickered thinking about the old woman who’d pinched it and managed to answer, “Last door on the right.”
He went right through and didn’t bother to close it. When he set me down, I was positioned facing the wall. He lifted my hands above my head and said, “I can’t wait, lass. I’ve been dying to get inside you all day.”
All day? He’d been thinking about me all day. That thought fluttered away in a breeze like floating white puffs from a seeded dandelion when his mouth began to suck at my pulse point.
Kalen was very skilled at the one-hand thing. While restraining my wrists, he managed to unbutton my pants and have them pooling at my feet in an instant.
“What did I tell you about pants, lass?”
The infuriating man was wasting his breath on the wrong thing.
“It wasn’t like I was expecting you,” I snapped until his thumb rubbed slightly over the bundle of nerves at my center and I moaned.
“Always expect me,” he said, tweaking my nipple. He was so smooth. I barely registered his one hand possessing my body, expertly moving from one erogenous region to the next before sensations filled me. “You’re wet for me.”
I sighed when a finger slipped inside me.
“Please.” I found myself begging and didn’t have to ask twice. There was the sound of a zipper and a rip of a square package. Then the breath left my lungs as he filled me completely.
His hands left my wrist. “Keep your hands on the wall above your head.”
The command should have grated on my nerves. Instead, it sent a spike of pleasure. He lifted me by my waist like I weighed nothing and let me slide down his length. Heat flooded me, remembering our first night together. I felt boneless, like I was riding a cloud.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “So wet.”
The pleasure he created in and out of me was without mercy. I longed for something to grip onto as he slammed into me again and again. He was incredibly strong, using one hand to glide from my hip to rub my clit as he continued his assault on my core. My toes barely touched the ground.
“Are you ready?” he asked, sliding his cock over a spot inside me that made my knees weak.