A chortle escaped me. I couldn’t help it. “Hot Scot.”

She nodded. “Got to love alliteration, right? Scott versus Scot. One a bad lay and the other a Scottish dream.”

“More like a nightmare versus a fantasy I’ll never have again.”

“Give him time. He’ll be back. Mark my words.”

I found my purse and tucked the ring in the zipper pocket so I wouldn’t forget it. Then I faced my friend again.

“It’s probably for the best. I’m not cut out for the casual thing. One argument and I’m falling to pieces over a guy I barely know.”

“Minor setback. Trust me. Give it another chance. You need to get Scott and your parents out of your head. Sexual freedom and all that. Besides, don’t you need a date for your company holiday party? Can you imagine the look on Scott’s face if you brought Kalen?”

The holiday party. How had I forgotten? It was scheduled right after the holidays and before the craziness of audit and tax season took hold.

“I won’t go,” I said.

Lizzy crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a pointed look.

“Why give Scott the satisfaction of thinking you’re too upset over him to show?”

“Why would he think that?” I asked, my fist balling as I thought about his girlfriend’s smug reaction if I showed up alone.

“The man’s ego knows no bounds. He called, expecting you to marry him while he screwed other women on the side.”

She’d heard.

“Not going is better than showing up alone, because Kalen’s not an option. And Matt’s gone.”

I wouldn’t ask him to come back to escort me this weekend. Being a cop wasn’t a nine-to-five job.

“You could call him,” she suggested.

“Who? Matt?”

“No, silly. Mr. Stud.”

I blew out a breath. “Sure. I’ll just tell him that even though he’s a bastard he can take me to my company’s holiday party.”

She laughed. “Why not?”

I lifted a finger to count off all the reasons why.

“One—he’s not interested in dating me. Not that I am, the ass. Two—he’ll think I’m trying to back him into more of a relationship. Three—I can see myself mistaking great sex for something more, which brings me back to one and two.”

She caught my shoulders slumping and came in for the hug.

“Fine. I’ll be your date. That will surely confuse the hell out of Scott.”

I laughed. “God, I love you.”

“I love you too. Maybe one day we’ll both find Mr. Right.”

“Maybe,” I said.

When she left, I had nothing but my thoughts to keep me occupied. Which led to fitful sleep where fantasies about Kalen’s mouth and all the things it could do kept me up half the night. The damnable man wouldn’t stay out of my thoughts or my dreams.



The figures on the computer screen meant nothing as I replayed the events of last night in my head.

When my brother strolled through the door, I took a quick glance at my Patek Philippe.

“Isn’t it a little early?” I asked Connor.

He stood in black leather pants and a black tee, and probably hadn’t gone home from the night before.

“No one ignores the great man when he summons you for a family meeting,” Connor said.

I too had gotten the message about the family meeting.

“You too?” he questioned with a raised brow. I shrugged. “What have you done?” Connor asked as if it was a foregone conclusion it was all my fault.

“I’m trying to save this company,” I said. “What have you heard?”

He shrugged. “Dad didn’t give a lot of details.”

“The old man doesn’t trust me.” As well he shouldn’t. I was working for one reason only. Payback. I would never forgive him for what he put my mother through.

“He doesn’t trust anyone, including me,” Connor said.

Despite my baby brother’s dual degrees in business and law, he wanted nothing to do with the company our father had built.

Connor waved me off. “You could always screw your way out of this.”

I shook my head and ignored his sexual proclivities. “Not interested in bedding the enemy. You can if you want. Though Father might disown you if you reveal yourself to the public.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m surprised we haven’t been outed yet.”

I wanted to believe our father had our best interest at heart. More likely, he didn’t want to share the limelight. His rules dictated that we use a driver and private elevator that took us directly to our floor when coming into the office. Everyone who worked directly for us was required to sign an ironclad non-disclosure agreement. He was so paranoid, meetings were held on the other side of the building away from our offices.

When I didn’t respond to Connor, he said, “You need to get laid. You’re too tense.”

Though I loathed to admit it even to myself, I couldn’t keep my mind off of one smart-mouthed redhead.

I’d known she was trouble when she’d walked into the New Year’s Eve party. Never in my life had I been so single-mindedly focused on one woman. I’d tried my best to ignore her presence until a tall guy headed in her direction on the dance floor. That was when I made my move. A primal urge to mark her as mine had overcome me.