He stretched and yawned as he said, “My name on the deed says otherwise.”

My eyes nearly crossed as I rolled them and huffed out a breath. I threw my hands in the air and made my way around the bed to the other side of the room, toward the bathroom. I was sidelined when he tugged my arm and tumbled me back into bed with his strong arms around my waist.

From where I lay on my back I stared up at him as he said, “Don’t be mad, peanut. It’s cold. And you’re warm. I’m only here a couple of days, and then you’ll have the room back to yourself.”

Matt was a fun-loving guy. The kind a girl could crush on and I had. Lizzy’s twin was hot. But his playful flirts had come days too late. When I’d thought it was Kalen spooning me, my inner sex demon had grinned, only to be disappointed when I realized who it was.

Snarkily and filled with humor, I said, “I am not sharing a room with you. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

I couldn’t very well ask him to sleep there. It was his place.

He pouted and said, “No way. I’d much rather share a bed with you. I promise not to take advantage.” He winked. “Besides, I hear you’re finally rid of that asshole. So what’s the problem?”

The problem was, I might have relished his attention two days before. Now, I couldn’t stop thinking of the egomaniac. And as much as I’d like to forget my former life, I wasn’t a girl who slept around.

“I can’t share a bed with you. Waking up with your…” I gestured toward his nether regions, “pressed against me wouldn’t be fair to either one of us.”

“Oh, my boner you mean,” he said, laughing.

I turned my head away, but his hand came to my chin and gently turned me to face him. “That’s a guy thing. But even if it weren’t morning, I’d still have a hard-on being next to you. It’s just a fact. It does that when I’m next to a beautiful woman.”

There was no way I could do this. I slapped his hands off my thighs and scrambled away again. “You’re such a flirt,” I stated.

He just flashed me his pearly whites before yawning again. As he stretched some more, his muscles flexed and bunched, and I couldn’t help admiring him.

Lizzy’s brother had it all—looks, money, and charm. I’d crushed on him my freshman year of college in Boston, before I met Scott. And after sophomore year, Matt transferred to the University of Chicago.

“If you don’t mind, I have to get ready for work,” I said.

Turning, I hurried inside the attached bathroom. Just as I was about to close the door, he said, “Peanut?”

Peeking out the door again, I stared at him.

“Nice shirt.”

Looking down, I realized I’d gone to sleep in my normal pajamas, a plain tee shirt that barely skimmed the bottom of my ass. I hadn’t expected company, though.

Rolling my eyes, I closed the door, trying to collect myself.

It wasn’t until after my shower that I realized I didn’t have a robe or a change of clothes. Opening the door a crack, I saw Matt’s back and the slow rhythm of his breathing. Tiptoeing out, I walked into my closet and closed the door, dismayed that there wasn’t a lock. After I got dressed, I grabbed my messenger bag, which held my firm-issued laptop and other things needed for the job.

Lizzy’s door was closed, and I had to leave soon to make it to work on time. Unwilling to be late, I passed her door, vowing that she and I would have a talk when I got home. Had she known her brother was coming and didn’t tell me? It wasn’t like I’d planned to stay here forever. But maybe I should stay at a hotel while Matt was here? He was a complication I didn’t need. It was bad enough I was headed to work with my ex. And why hadn’t I told Lizzy that yet?

Fear. Maybe. Then again, I had a certain someone on the brain.

Lucky for me, Scott wasn’t there when I arrived. We got a message that he was checking in on another project and would be in later that afternoon. Meanwhile, I wondered if I’d ever get a look at the elusive King brothers.

“Do you ever wonder if one of the guys you pass in the hall is a King?” Anna, my co-auditor, asked.

Since she’d caught me watching the limited foot traffic down our hall, I had to laugh.

“Honestly, yes. I mean, isn’t it weird no one knows what they look like?”

“I know, right?” she said.

Work was grueling, and by the end of the day, I was ready to go home. I stepped into the bathroom on my way out.