Lynch wanted to kill the son of a bitch but Tazer was keeping control despite his filthy words.

“Give me the fucking address and if I find out you’re screwing me I’ll hunt you down and slit your fucking throat. You understand me?”

Stolley nodded and then rambled off the address. Tazer put it in his phone and sent the address to Parker and Burker.

He released Stolley and pushed by Flours. “You better be ready to assist. I know a lot of fucking people,” he threatened Flours and then headed out of the room with Lynch.

* * * *

Missy Ann could hardly keep her eyes open. They were using her as bait to send the Feds, the police and the Hayes brothers away from Eliza Grace and where Si was really taking her. She didn’t know where and she tried to stay awake to hear the men give any information. The only thing she heard about was Virginia. The one man said the name McKennley or McKinsley, she wasn’t a hundred percent sure.

As she struggled to sit up, her knees scraped and her shirt torn open, she felt her head throbbing and knew they struck her over the head in order to get her to stop fighting them. The men who took her were told they could do what they wanted but that she was to live. She sniffled as she thought about Eliza Grace. She saw Si show up at the office. She tried to hit the call button to Parker but the other men were already up and grabbing her. Eliza Grace had been right. She wasn’t paranoid or missing her men and the security they gave her. Her gut was kicking in and they should have respected that.

She sniffled again and felt her swollen lip. She needed to be ready. Ready to try and escape and get help for Eliza Grace. When the door opened and she saw the man standing there, she knew it was bad. He was drunk. She heard them laughing earlier and she heard the music too. He stumbled into the room and she moved off the bed.

“Don’t be scared. We’re just wondering if you want to join us for a drink,” he said to her and the other one entered the room too. He had no shirt on and was looking at her in a way that told her these men were going to rape her. She was scared. Petrified as the one man reached out to caress her hair. “You’re so sweet, so pretty and young. How many lovers you had, baby?” he asked her and she felt the tears roll down her cheeks. She had none. She was a virgin and waiting for the right man and then these two guys come along and were going to take that from her.

“Get away from me. Don’t touch me,” she screamed at him and the backhand came out of nowhere. She fell against the bed and he was on her fast. He ripped her skirt and tore at her top. She screamed and felt the cuts to her back from his nails. “Get away from me. No. No!” she cried out and the other one helped him. The first guy struck her again and again as the second guy grabbed her arms and held her down. One was on top of her spreading her thighs, pulling his pants lower as he pushed on her with his weight. She screamed and yelled for help and struggled to get free as hands grabbed her private parts and then the next strike hit her harder. She had no voice and cried and cried when suddenly the men were pulled off of her and she heard the struggle, the gunshot and then two more.

“Missy Ann, it’s us, baby. You’re safe now,” Finn Connelly told her as she rolled to her side to try and cover her body as she sobbed uncontrollably. She heard them yelling in the background, saying it was all clear. Someone caressed her hair and pulled a blanket over her.

“Missy Ann, where is Eliza Grace? Where did they take her?” Lynch asked and as she saw all the men, she cringed. She locked gazes with Finn and Salvatore who were taking care of her and caressing her. She looked at Tazer, Lynch, Burker and Parker. “They tricked you guys. I was a decoy to send you the wrong way,” she cried, more tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Fuck,” Lynch whispered. “Any ideas where they have her? Did you hear anything, sweetie?” Finn asked her as he caressed her cheek and consoled her.

“I tried to listen for anything. I think maybe Virginia. They mentioned McKinnley house or McKinsley.”

“Okay. Good job, honey. I want you to let Finn and Salvatore take care of you. You can trust them. I want them to bring you back home and watch over you until we catch these men and find Eliza Grace,” Tazer told her.

“It’s Si and Vic and Daville. They want her for themselves. I heard them in the meeting room. They said they killed you and Lynch and could kill Parker and Burker too if she didn’t cooperate. She hadn’t believed them and so he said I would die if she didn’t go with them. She was saving me and you guys too,” she said as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

“We’ll get to her. We’ll find her in time and we’ll take care of Si and his crew of shit,” Tazer told her and then they left and Finn lifted her up into his arms and carried her out of the room and to an SUV. He and Salvatore never left her side. She was so scared, still shaking, knowing that she came so close to losing her virginity and getting raped by those drunk men. She clung to Finn and he held her close as Salvatore drove the SUV.

“Those men, the ones who hurt me.”

“Are dead. They can never hurt you again, Missy Ann. Never,” Finn whispered.

* * * *

“We got it. The place is in the middle of the fucking woods of West Virginia,” Burker told the men as they gathered at the airport. Commander Lancaster came through with help and with a military plane to get them wherever they needed to go. He had his daughter back and it would take a lot of counseling and patience to help her get through the traumatic experience she had. When he found out about Eliza Grace being taken and about Missy Ann nearly getting raped, he offered all his help. Flours was there to assist as well. More proof came up that Si, Vic and Daville were the masterminds behind the prostitution ring. They were the last men to get.

“Let’s get on the fucking plane and take off. It’s been over twenty-four hours since they took Eliza Grace. God knows what those fuckers have done to her,” Lynch said as they all boarded the plane. Parker and Burker were trying on their computers and Burker had a satellite phone to his ear. “We’ve got satellite images on the house. I’m getting a live view but we might lose it on takeoff,” Burker said and moved the laptop between him and his brothers. They buckled in and saw the live shot as the engines came to life and the plane began to move down the runway. Burker knew that once they landed it was a good thirty-minute ride to the location. Then they would have to ease their way in and hope there weren’t traps set up and security. They would get better images and heat images too once they were on the scene.

“Jesus, there are a bunch of men there,” Lynch said over Burker’s shoulder. “Well, we have a bunch here and the four of us know what to do. We handle this like a military mission. We move swiftly and carefully, take out the security guys, then get in there fast or Si could kill her and get final revenge on us,” Lynch said to them.

“We’re not going to let that happen,” Tazer said to them.

“No, we’re doing this together. Eliza Grace is coming home with us and in one pie

ce. This is the last operation for me. I’m never going to let Eliza Grace out of my sights ever again,” Parker said to them and they mumbled in agreement.

Burker looked at the images as the plane took off and the cabin remained silent. This was going to be tricky. They didn’t know the area, they were unsure of how many bad guys there were, and their minds were on rescuing Eliza Grace before Si and his two buddies could hurt her further. Burker couldn’t stop thinking about what they might have done so far. It was more than a day’s time. They were moving in on two days. What if they already raped her? How would they get through all of that? He swallowed hard and willed the tears away. She was so petite and sweet. She didn’t deserve this. Just like she hadn’t deserved almost getting gang raped in college. He made a promise then and there, that when they found her and brought her home he would protect her every day for the rest of his life. No matter what.

* * * *

Eliza Grace was shivering. She was cold and tired and in a lot of pain. The chains they attached to her ankles and her wrists weighed her down and kept her from trying to escape. She did try though. Multiple times and each try they stopped her, taking turns beating her down and making her beg for them to stop. She saw the bruises on her body, the scrapes against her breasts and her arms. She was on the floor by the table. Their table as they ate above her. She was curled up in a ball trying to hide her breasts and her mound from the other men. They barely came inside and it was obvious they were on guard in case her men showed up. She prayed they could find her. Daville had stripped her to her panties and bra. They were going to break her down and make her beg for them to protect her and care for her. They kept telling her that her men were dead and so was Missy Ann.

She listened to them talk about their plans and how some guy would hold on to the money and be ready for them whenever they decided it was safe to move her. Over an hour ago she heard the phone call that Si was on. He was pissed off and she heard him say that someone killed someone’s brother. It was a person of importance. Then Daville said that Darius would get them back. He would hunt them down and kill the ones responsible. She wondered who Darius was and if it had been her men and their friends that killed his brother. Surely they were trying to find her and maybe they found Missy Ann. Maybe that’s who this guy’s brother was helping and he was killed when the police found her. She prayed that her best friend was alive and well and had been rescued.