Shelby knocked on the apartment door and waited for Eliza Grace to answer.

She had been wondering why her friend avoided calling her back these last few weeks but then Caroline called Eliza Grace and found out why. Some busybody lied to Eliza Grace and told her that she had seen Shelby kissing Tazer and Parker at the diner, and that the Pace men showed up and staked their official claim to her and she had no choice but to abide by their order. It was bullshit, but Eliza Grace didn’t know what to believe, and then she was out with friends and saw some woman all over Lynch Hayes, Tazer’s other brother. She was heartbroken, and Shelby wanted to come over to straighten things out. She knew that Eliza liked the men, but she had concerns. She was shy and a lot younger. Shelby needed to speak to her in person.

When Eliza Grace answered the door, Shelby Ann smiled. Eliza looked shocked.

“Okay, enough of the nonsense. I do not have a thing for Tazer and his brothers. Max had assigned them to me because of some potential danger, and I was being stubborn about my feelings for Kenneth, Sam, and Bender. So can we please be friends again?”

“Oh God, Shelby, co

me on in. You didn’t have to come over here right now. I know you were at work and busy.”

They closed the door.

“Are you kidding? Your friendship means the world to me. To think that some idiot started a rumor and caused this really makes me mad. Besides, I could use a little girl talk time with my bestie. Kenneth is off to the courthouse and I finished my work for the day. Sam is at the base and Bender gets off in an hour. I told them I would be here visiting you and Bender said he would call and follow me back home later.”

Eliza Grace smiled. “So things are working out well then?” she asked. Shelby smiled. She took a seat on the couch.

“It’s working out very well. But listen, I came over because I’m worried about you. I can’t believe someone would lie and say that I kissed Tazer and Parker. That’s so messed up. Plus they only have eyes for you.”

“I don’t think they do. I saw Lynch making out with some woman closer to his age at a bar in Cambridge.” Shelby pretended she didn’t know about that, but Caroline had told her this morning. That was what prompted the call to Eliza today.

“I’m sure it didn’t mean anything.”

“I don’t know, it doesn’t matter anyway. I took off really quick and I’ve decided that they’re not right for me and I’m not ready to date. I was thinking that maybe I should date someone closer to my age. I don’t know. Actually when I think about dating I get all nervous and worry that some guy might try something. It’s unfair. It’s been over two years.”

“Not that I’m one to talk—I was pretty damn stubborn myself—but have you considered talking to a counselor? I see this woman Shayla in Cambridge, right in her house. She’s wonderful and has helped me so much. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I would be with your cousins right now if it weren’t for her encouragement to follow my heart. Well, her and Caroline, who has suddenly become an expert in ménage relationships and true love.”

Eliza chuckled. “Yes, she seems to really have a knack for it. She called me twice today encouraging me to talk to the Hayes brothers every chance I got. But I’m busy with the boutique and this fashion show coming up, and I decided to put more energy in the things I want to do, instead of waiting for Prince Charming to come along.”

“That’s great. Is it more modeling?”

“No, it’s singing.”


“Yes, it’s something that I’ve always enjoyed doing and I tried out to be a regular at this place in Charlesburgh.”

“That’s wonderful. Did you get it?”

“Well, I haven’t heard from them yet. How rude of me. Can I get you a drink? A bottle of water or ice tea or something?” she asked and stood up.

“A water would be fine. Thanks,” Shelby said and looked around the place. It was very nice and very organized.

“Don’t tell Kenneth or my other cousins about it. I want to see how I do first and then I’ll be prepared for their concerns.”

“Concerns?” Shelby asked, but then there was a knock at the door.

Shelby looked up to take a glance at some pictures including ones with Kenneth, Sam, and Bender in them.

Eliza handed her a bottle of water.

“Let me see who that is,” Eliza said and as Shelby looked at the pictures, she heard a scuffle. She turned to look as the door slammed closed and was shocked to see Skip and Jerry. Her heart felt as if it leaped from her chest and she lost her ability to breathe, to scream, to react she was so shocked. But Jerry was blocking the door and holding Eliza by her wrist. She was struggling to get free.

“What are you doing here?” she yelled. Eliza screamed as Jerry grabbed her around the waist and had a gun against her neck.

“You’re coming with us, Shelby.”

“No. Let her go. Why are you here? What do you want from me?” Shelby asked and Eliza was crying and scared.