“There’s something I learned about love, about men who really care about a woman on the inside as well as on the outside. When there’s love, and it’s real, nothing else matters. It makes you feel alive, on top of the word. Free, Shelby. Do you want that? Do you want to be free, and to be loved for who you are scars and all?”

Shelby shrugged her shoulders.

“A yes or a no answer,” she pushed. Caroline held her gaze.

“Yes,” Shelby said. “But—”

Caroline placed her finger over her lip, signifying for her to not say a word.

“Then fight for it, Shelby. Fight for love. Fight for happiness, and fight for freedom. Because if you just give up, if you keep pushing away everyone who loves you, then what’s there to fight for? Nothing.”

Shelby swallowed hard. “I’m scared to.”

Caroline gave her sister a soft smile.

“Late at night, when I first got home from the hospital and was having nightmares, Hunter held me close and whispered into my ear. ‘Fear only has the power you give it.’ As a Navy Seal he faced some pretty fearful times and missions. But he never let them break his resolve to get home to his family, or change the person he was. He continued to fight and to not give into the fear. You need to do the same, Shelby. I need you here with me, so we can grow old together, raise children with one another, and share good times. Let the Pace men into your heart. Let these men in town and the sheriff and my men help you. You’re not alone. These people, our friends, are our family. Accept it, embrace it, and let’s see what happens, together.”

Caroline hugged Shelby just as Caroline’s cell phone rang. She pulled back.

“I’d better answer this,” she said, but as she did, they saw the truck pulling up to the woods. Shelby widened her eyes and looked about ready to have a panic attack. “Remember that they care about you, and take your time. They’ll understand, and when the time is right, you’ll tell them about the scars.”

The driver side door opened and Caroline turned to see C.J. and Hunter.

“What in God’s name did you think you were doing coming out here all alone and not answering my calls?”

“Well, my sister needed me and I knew you would figure out exactly where we went because when you took me here a week ago, you said it’s the perfect place to come and think and work things out.”

His angry expression went softer. He offered her his hand and she took it and he pulled her up into his arms. He held her gaze with a firm expression. “That doesn’t mean your ass isn’t going to get spanked for this.”

She nibbled her bottom lip. “C.J., someone might hear you.”

“Too late,” Bender said, and she looked across the roof of the car to see Kenneth helping Shelby from the car.

“We’ve got some talking to do, Shelby. Don’t shut us out. Don’t run from us. Let us help you, and if you still just want to be friends, then fine, but let us in,” he said to Shelby and she looked at Caroline.

“What choice do I have?” Shelby said, and Caroline felt her heart clench and she worried that everything they just talked about meant nothing. Then her sister locked gazes with her and winked where the others couldn’t see her and relief filled Caroline’s heart.

“Take care of my sister,” Caroline said.

“Ouch,” she gasped as Hunter gave her ass a smack.

“That’s their business, not yours.”

“Yeah, and you have your own worries to tend with,” C.J. said, and Caroline knew she was going to have to do some serious making up to her men, but at least her sister was safe, and hopefully smart enough to know that staying in Chance may be the only way to ensure she stayed safe and alive.

Chapter 4

Shelby had a lot to think about. She didn’t reply to their questions or offer up any information. She simply said she was tired and that her head hurt. What she hadn’t expected when she got to her house was to see Sam’s truck, and then him standing in the doorway waiting for her with a scowl on his face.

Her little yellow house with the white picket fence looked so small and welcoming. Even the daisies she planted in the window planters were meant to be welcoming and friendly. They were all a great contrast to big, angry Sam standing there on guard.

She swallowed hard, her mind and her body in turmoil. God, he’s so damn tall and good-looking. He’s perfect, and I’m not even close. The second shock to her system was how he immediately pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. She gasped at his abrupt move and then she found herself crying and him lifting her up and carrying her down the hallway.

Her place was small, only two bedrooms, but the scent of vanilla and spice filled her nostrils. It didn’t ease her mind as it usually did.

Sam laid her on the bed and she couldn’t even muster the strength to pretend she didn’t need him close or to lie and tell him she was fine and to just leave her be. She couldn’t. Her senses were overwhelmed. She was in tune to everything. The scent of his cologne, the invisible masculinity of his embrace, and the fact that he was a soldier, a trained, capable weapon, and he was here, in her bedroom. He was lying on her bed with her and protecting her. Was this real? Was he just being sympathetic, and perhaps doing his part beyond the limits of guardian?

But then she felt the caresses on her back as she lay on her side with him holding her. She realized, well, sensed the difference in the touch and knew it was Bender and Kenneth. All three men caring for her.