“Jesus it’s broken. Oh God, what did he do to her?” Bender asked, joining them.

“Let me check her injuries, and see how bad she is,” one of the soldiers who accompanied them said.

But as her eyes fluttered opened and she saw Sam, she cried out. “No. No, don’t touch me. Don’t touch me.” She was screaming and kicking. Sam was in shock as the other men from the military base told them to move away and that they were scaring her. He, Bender, and Kenneth didn’t know why she was reacting like this and then one paramedic pulled out a bag and calmed her down.

He looked in her eyes with a flashlight and spoke calmly to her. “He can’t hurt you anymore, Shelby. You’re safe now. You’re going home,” he said to her then looked at the other men helping him.

“She’s on something, Sam. Grab those syringes. We can test what it is back at base,” he said.

They heard the chopper in the distance. The feds were there now, too, and taking in the sight of the scene in the cabin. Photos were being taken, evidence collected. They got Shelby wrapped up in a blanket and then onto a stretcher. They followed as the paramedics escorted her outside and got her onto a military chopper. Sam, Bender, and Kenneth got onto it with her. But there was nothing they could say or do. Sam knew by that fear in her eyes and by the shape of her body that she had gone through hell physically and mentally. She might not recover. Even though they found her, he feared they could have still lost Shelby anyway.


Shelby was still weak but at least the drugs were out of her system and she was only taking the sleeping pills at night to help with the nightmares. She stood in front of the mirror after getting out of the shower and stared at her body.

She was thin still, and the cast on her arm was wrapped in plastic that Sam had secured before she got into the shower. They were being so patient with her. She hadn’t remembered much about them finding her. She was so far gone on the drugs, but Sam explained how fearful she was and that she hadn’t recognized them or thought they were real. She explained, remembering how Blade would beat her when she said their names and hallucinated about them. The bits and pieces of her ordeal were coming on more and more and she was remembering everything. She didn’t tell them, though. She figured they didn’t need to know the details of what Blade did to her. She just told them he hadn’t raped her, and the doctors at the military hospital ensured that, too.

She stepped into her panties and pulled the big fluffy sweater over her head, not bothering with a bra. She would need one of the guys to help her anyway because of the cast. She was seeing Shayla a few days a week for counseling and it was helping her. Plus, because of all the evidence and with the help of everyone, Mickie and Blade were behind bars. That gave her peace of mind, especially knowing that there was no possible way either man would ever be released.

She was desperate to feel normal again, and desperate to let her men love her, too. But when they made love to her she would cry. Not because it hurt, or because she was afraid, but her body reacted. It was like psychologically she wasn’t healed enough yet, but it was getting better. In fact, she could use a little snuggling right now and she knew when she opened that door to the bedroom one of them would be there waiting for her.

Caroline had told her all about how Eliza fought to stay conscious so she could help the men find Shelby. Caroline told her about the people and the friends in town who gathered all their resources to assist, and how Hunter told Caroline that Sam put the fear of God in Mickie to get him to give up a location and it worked. Then she explained about the military connection and Shelby’s men taking matter

s into their own hands to finally find her and rescue her. If they hadn’t she could have died out there.

Shelby didn’t like them being so worried about her. But then a few days ago it hit her. She looked at Kenneth, Bender, and Sam and saw how withdrawn they were, how exhausted and concerned, and she realized that she wanted to make them feel better. She wanted to see them smile and to feel that happiness, that feeling of freedom once again that she felt when the three of them made love to her and said they loved her together.

With her broken arm, it wasn’t quite possible, but by letting them love her and relishing in that love they shared, she knew she could heal completely and so could they. So she took a deep breath, decided to remove her panties so she was completely naked under the sweater, and walked out of the bathroom.

She smiled wide when she saw all three of them lying on the bed, pretending to not be waiting but just relaxing. Kenneth had his iPad out and glanced up from it to smile at her. Sam was lifting the remote and acting like he had the TV on then turned it off, and Bender had his hands on his legs as he sat on the edge of the bed and looked worried.

She went to him first.

“How was your shower?” he asked her.

“Okay,” she said, sounding sad.

“Just okay? What’s wrong? Are you in pain? Is something bothering you?” Kenneth asked, putting down his laptop and kneeling on the bed.

“Nothing the three of you can’t fix,” she said, and Sam sat up as Bender pulled her close and ran his hands up under her sweater. His eyes widened. “I was cold in there, Bender. Can you guys warm me up, please?”

Bender smiled as he lifted her sweater up over her head, exposing her naked body to their eyes, and then he kissed her. He fell back and she smiled as she kissed him back. When she pulled from his lips, Kenneth and Sam were there just smiling softly and watching her and Bender.

“Why are you two still dressed?” she asked.

Kenneth widened his eyes. “Shelby?”

She reached down and began to undo Bender’s jeans as if she had just made love to the three of them together so recently it was no big deal. But this was a big deal. It had been weeks, and she realized that she needed them even though they thought she needed time.

Sam reached over and cupped her neck and head, tilting her face up toward him. His dark-blue eyes held hers and she felt his sincerity and love. “Are you sure, Shelby? We have all the time in the world.” She ran her hand over his wrist and smiled at him.

“I need the three of you inside of me together so badly, it hurts. When you’re making love to me, everything is perfect and I’m free. Free from the fear, from the nightmares, and free to love the three of you with all my heart. I need you. Please,” she whispered. Sam licked his lower lip and then looked at his brothers then back to her.

“We love you so much, we only want what’s best for you, and always what you need and desire.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips as she knelt above Bender and he got undressed. When Sam released her lips and ran his palm from her shoulder and neck to her hip and ass, she knew everything was going to be perfect.

Bender pushed down his sweatpants and shimmied out of them. She felt his thick, hard cock beneath her pussy and immediately eased down over him, taking his cock into her cunt. She held onto his shoulders and began to ride him slowly, and as best she could with one arm in a cast leaning against his chest and shoulder. Then she felt Kenneth join them on the bed. He lifted her chin, leaned down, and kissed her softly. She could see the love in his eyes as well as the desire. As soon as he pulled back, he lifted his cock and got into position on the bed.

She opened for him and licked along the base of his cock and prepared to take on all three men at once. That was when she felt the cool liquid against her anus and Sam’s fingers working their way into her ass.