“Want us to carry her upstairs to the apartment?” Skip asked him.

He looked up at him and smirked. “No,” he said and reached inside, lifted her up, and heard her moan. His heart pounded inside of his chest and his cock throbbed. He had her back. His beautiful prize. His one and only. He was going to keep her forever.

He placed her into the SUV.

“I thought you were bringing her up to one of the rooms?” Jerry asked him. He closed the back door of the SUV and looked at the two of them.

“Change of plans,” he said, and both men looked scared shitless and rightfully so. He had to do this right and make sure that no one found out where he had Shelby.

“Where’s Miss Queens?” he asked them.

Jerry looked scared shitless. “Home, why?”

“Just asking. Don’t want any loose ties,” he said.

“Loose ties?” Skip asked, and Blade pulled out the gun with the silencer and took both men out with one shot each to the head. They fell to the ground and he smiled.

“Loose ends resolved,” he whispered and thought about finding Eve and killing her, too, but obviously Jerry and Skip hadn’t taken her along with them and she didn’t know what they were up to so she shouldn’t be a problem. What did it matter anyway? He was taking Shelby up north and into the woods.

He got into the SUV and headed out of the parking lot in the back of the abandoned building. He thought about the spot up north as he glanced into the backseat at his sleeping beauty. He had it all planned out. During the day he would travel into the city to work and do his business and then return at night to take care of his woman, to feed her and make love to her, and eventually she would accept him. He had enough drugs to keep her sedated while he was out of the house. The drugs would ensure she didn’t escape. He smiled. He needed to be patient. As much as he wanted to claim her officially, he needed to break her down and make her beg for him to take her. That was what he fantasized about. It was his ultimate dream. Shelby would beg for him to make love to her and relinquish to his command.

Chapter 7

“This sick fucking bastard killed them right in the middle of a dark parking lot four nights ago. Where the hell is Eve? Why the fuck can’t anyone find her?” Bender stated in a deep, raspy voice. He’d had very little sleep. He and his brothers, everyone involved in the investigation was surviving on small catnaps from exhaustion. They had no clues, no evidence or idea of where Blade took Shelby, and it was killing them.

“God, I can’t take this. It’s day fucking five. What is he doing to her? Is she even alive?” Kenneth asked and the others in the room made noises signaling their upset and disgust with the situation as well.

“Don’t give up hope. We’re close. We know what type of vehicle he has and we’ll find it and find them. We have people searching for Eve in the city, and Hunter and York are all over Mickie. He’s given up some locations where they kept high-end prostitutes. We’ll get word soon if they find her there,” Tazer said to them.

“They won’t find her there. She isn’t in the city. We’ve hit up all these fucked-up locations,” Bender added.

“It all adds more evidence to the case to bring down Mickie and Blade. It’s evidence the feds can use to put them away for life,” Tazer said.

“That’s fucking great, but meanwhile this sick fuck is probably torturing Shelby and doing God knows what. I can’t fucking take it.” Bender stood up and slammed his hand down on the desk. He grabbed the edge and shook it hard as he growled out in anger.

Kenneth stood up and placed his hand on his shoulder. “I feel the same fucking way but we need to be strong for Shelby, Bender. We’ll find her. I know we will,” Kenneth told him. When Bender released the desk and looked at his friends and the new ones they made because of this situation, he couldn’t help but feel desperate and angry. Why did they have to be here in the city in someone’s meeting room pulling together evidence and running out on bullshit leads and coming up empty-handed? They could be holding Shelby in their arms, making love to her, protecting her like they promised they would.

He heard the phone ringing and didn’t bother to look up. It was more than likely another bullshit lead or another call saying they didn’t have squat. They all had friends of friends working this abduction and looking for Blade and Shelby.

“Are you serious? Get it to us and use it to get Mickie to talk. He has to know another safe house or location that Blade has Shelby at,” Tazer said and then spoke a little more before hanging up the phone. Bender stood up straighter the moment he saw the positive expression on Tazer’s face.

He was right in front of him and Kenneth.

“Sam and Hunter found Eve along with friends of Hunter’s. She was in Yonkers hiding out. Once they told her that Blade killed Jerry and Skip, she handed over an envelope that Skip gave her that contains all this evidence against Mickie and Blade. There are pictures, there’s the contract Skip signed giving over Shelby as payment, and evidence that describes why there was a contract.”

“Oh God. Does Eve have any idea where Blade took her?” Bender asked.

“The contract and evidence, anything we can use to get Mickie to start talking?” Kenneth asked.

“Jerry and Skip apparently raped and abused some woman who was underage. They hired Blade and Mickie to make it disappear,” Tazer said to them.

“Disappear?” Max asked.

“Yes, Blade killed the girl and got rid of the body. Mickie knew about all of it and was involved in a series of other cases. He’s done. Finished, and the feds are going to interrogate the shit out of him along with Hunter and Sam.”

“But he’s a killer. What if he loses it on Shelby and kills her, too?” Bender asked.

“Stay positive, Bender. Your brother Sam is on top of things with the feds. He won’t let them take this over and focus on putting Mickie behind bars and not finding Shelby. Sit tight. Hunter said Sam is calling on some friends of his to help. He sounds really positive,” Tazer told him and Bender looked at Kenneth, who ran his hands along his beard. He hadn’t shaved in days and the lack of sleep and frustration was showing on his brother’s face. Bender was sure he showed it, too. A glance around the room, and he could see that his friends and the others who volunteered to help them hadn’t slept at all either. They all wanted to find Shelby. He prayed that Sam came up with something fast.