“It was the four of them? The crew?” Kurt teased, but it was his way of asking if Mercedes went without coming straight out and asking.

Mike chuckled.

“Mercedes is with them, if that’s what you want to know.”

“I didn’t say that.” Kurt stated.

“But you want to know?” Danny added.

“When are you guys going to make a move? I mean what the fuck are you waiting for? The woman got flowers from a secret admirer today,” Mike said to them, sounding angry. Warner didn’t react. He knew damn well that his brother sent them to her. What a shock that had been, and it led to some ribbing earlier and a few fists being thrown.

“I’m not worried about that,” Taylor said with confidence.

“You’re not? What changed from that look of death you were giving Mercedes and the attitude you had with everyone else?” Mike asked.

“I was fine. I’m not worried.”

Mike’s phone rang.

“It’s Marlena.

He said a few words. He smiled and then he glanced at Warner, Taylor, and Kurt. “I see. Well tell her to be careful. Make plans for a local place, maybe here in Chance. Okay then in Wager County. Someplace busy. All right I can give her the riot act before the date. When will you be back? Okay. Love ya, too.” Mike disconnected the call.

“How sweet,” Taylor teased him.

“Don’t be messing with me. You guys have your own worries, Mr. Confident,” Mike told them.

“Worries? Why is that?” Taylor asked.

Mike looked at the three Dawn brothers and then at Warner.

“Seems Mercedes met these two guys at Bobby’s Treasure Chest after the comedy show. Marlena said she’s talking to them right now and making plans for a date.”

Warner felt jealousy and anger hit his gut. They fucking waited too long. He never should have gone on this last mission. What the fuck was he thinking?

“Well, she’s

a very attractive, sweet young woman. You snooze, you lose,” Danny teased.

“Maybe it will be a disaster of a date?” Taylor said.

“Maybe we should find out who these guys are and make sure that they’re good enough for her,” Kurt suggested and then made a face as if his own words made him sick. He rolled his tongue over his teeth then took a slug of beer, turning away.

“Maybe she’ll go on this date and won’t like them. She doesn’t know these men and they apparently aren’t from Chance, which means we do kind of have the authority, inconspicuously, I might add, to ensure she is safe on this date,” Mike said to them and raised both of his eyebrows as if saying they knew what he meant.

“Well then, you three have a job to do tonight,” Taylor told them.

“What’s that?” Mike asked.

“The time, the place, and the location of this date. Need I say more,” Kurt said very seriously. Mike just shook his head. Even their good friends knew when Kurt and his brothers were pissed off and when not to tease. But Warner felt sick and angry. He wanted to call it a night and make a plan. He needed to keep calm and pretend this wasn’t as big of a deal as it felt. Mercedes could get swept off her feet by two men. Two guys who would try to touch her, kiss her, maybe even fuck her. He squeezed the beer bottle so tight then felt his arm ache and slowly released it. He needed to be calm. Mercedes would be their woman. They couldn’t have lost the opportunity because he was being a stubborn dick. They just couldn’t.

* * * *

Mercedes couldn’t help the uneasy feeling she had talking to the two men. One of them seemed more interested than the other one and that guy tended to just say things to add to the conversation. But the one really flirting was very attractive and close to her age. In her mind she thought he seemed perfect in her notebook description of the right type of guy for her. He had a normal job, something in business and finance. He lived nearby, he said near the beach so he must make descent money, and he was very polite and a complete gentleman. In fact when he asked for her number and she seemed hesitant to give it to a stranger she’d just met, he offered her a business card and his name and cell number, office number, even fax number. He seemed genuinely kind.

“So, if you feel more comfortable meeting us someplace locally, how about here, tomorrow night? Maybe around seven?” he asked as he held her gaze. He had blonde hair and the cutest dimple in his left cheek. He seemed preppy and conservative. He wore a blue Ralph Lauren polo shirt and his friend wore a Dior one in navy blue. He had a bit more olive complexion and his hair was darker, like Kurt’s. As she thought the thought she felt guilty again. Now she was comparing two guys she’d just met, and was making plans to meet again, with Kurt and his brothers. When would she get them out of her head and stop comparing every guy she met to them?

“Okay, we can meet here tomorrow night at seven. I’d better get back to my friends. I’ve already made them stay too long.”