Miami shook his head. His dark black eyes held Warner’s and Warner could see the bits of gray in Miami’s black hair. He also wasn’t doing as good shape as years ago. Desk jobs, verbal commands, and nonfrontline action tend to soften a man in a lot of ways. Warner would never get like that. Training and being prepared meant too much to him.

“That company your friends and you figured out were the culprits behind this business of abducting and selling women for money, is not so minor. Not sure if you know, but a man by the name of Nicolai Vollup, a Ukrainian organized crime boss has been taking control of many businesses like this one for the past year. In doing so, he has caused a bit of friction with certain individuals our government provides protection for because of their connections and power.”

“Dirty, secret business as usual even with organized crime bosses? Yeah, I get that,” Warner said. Miami nodded.

“So you understand that there is more at stake here than saving your girlfriend and even the other women still for sale by this Randall individual?”

“Not really because the other shit doesn’t matter to me. I just want Mercedes safe and sound. I want this whole bidding thing on her to disappear and for no other jackasses obsessed with her pictures online to show up thinking they can have her. That’s why I’m here. You said you can stop it. So tell me how you guarantee to do that and then what you want in return.”

Miami leaned back and slowly pushed the file toward Warner.

“This problem is one in the same. I can ensure Mercedes is safe. I have the location of the two men that tried to abduct her as well as the location of Randall who is about ready to sell off his little women selling business to Nicolai Vollup for a hefty sum of money.”

Warner sat forward. “So you’re going to give me all that information so I can get them arrested?”

He tapped the file. “Everything is in here along with instructions on an upcoming operation you’ll find interesting. You’ll see that your part in this as I ask is necessary and the only way to repay me for my abilities to get this to you in a timely manner.”

“What do I have to do? What’s the bottom line?” Warner asked.

Miami held his gaze.

“I need Nicolai Vollup dead.”

* * * *

Taylor stood in Max’s office as Warner spoke with Max and him over the speakerphone.

“What do you need us to do?” Max asked.

“Nothing,” Warner replied and Taylor could hear the strain in his brother’s voice. Something was wrong. He had that meeting with Miami. That’s how he got all this information. But what had Miami asked for in return?

“What do you mean nothing?” Max asked.

“Gemini and the others, along with some representatives from the government, are taking care of all of it. Jeff and Damien, the two men who tried abducting Mercedes the first time, should be under arrest at this moment. Randall will be in custody in no time and his company R.J.S. National will be destroyed as well.”

“Where are you now? Are you heading to our place to tell Kurt and Mercedes?”

Warner was quiet and Taylor didn’t like that. He looked at Max who held his gaze with a knowing grim expression.


“Taylor, I need you, Kurt, Max, and the others to watch over Mercedes while I’m gone.”

“Gone? Where? What are you talking about, you’re leaving?”

“I need to take care of something to ensure that Mercedes and you and Kurt are safe so that we can move on with our lives and a future with Mercedes.”

“Warner, you can’t just leave without seeing Mercedes and explaining things to Kurt and I,” Taylor said to him.

“Taylor, it has to be like this. Don’t make it harder. I need to focus.”

“Well what about us? What will Mercedes do if something happens to you?”

“Nothing is going to happen. I don’t plan on getting killed. Just take care of her and let me handle this.”

“I don’t know if I can. Not now. Things are different,” Taylor said and glanced at Max. He felt awkward talking like this in front of him but Max was like another brother to all of them. They had been friends for years.

“Please, Taylor. Take care of Mercedes and let me handle this.”