* * * *

“I understand why you didn’t fill me in, but considering I’m law enforcement I think it’s pretty fucked up. But I forgive you. You and Kurt thought you were doing the right thing,” Taylor said as he leaned back in the chair.

“There’s more. But this stays between you, me, and Kurt, okay?”

Taylor nodded his head.

“Without getting into too many details or dodging your questions you’re going to have, I may need to leave for a few days.”

Taylor sat forward in his seat.

“Leave? Where? Why?”

Warner exhaled.

“I thought you weren’t going to do anymore fucking government missions. What about Mercedes? And now, when all this shit is going on?”

“The guy that my friends mentioned was helping us, the one I said I would owe a favor to if he helped resolve this situation and catch the men trying to take Mercedes?”


“I’ll owe him whatever he asks. I’m assuming it will involve a secret job, but I don’t know. I’ll do whatever is necessary to keep Mercedes safe. I’ll do it for her.”

“But how can you make this type of deal with the man without discussing things first? Have you been working with him all along?”

“No. I’m meeting him tomorrow.”

“I don’t like this. What if something happens to you, then what?”

“You and Kurt take care of Mercedes and love her.”

“No. That’s not what we talked about and what we wanted to have together in sharing her. It isn’t right, and when Mercedes finds out she’s going to flip. You won’t be able to leave her.”

“She isn’t going to find out because no one is going to tell her,” Warner said firmly.

“Then you’ll lose the trust you gained.”

“I’ll gain it back after I know she’s safe and out of harm’s way. I have no choice. Miami has already helped Gemini and the others take down the website and the bidding war.”

Warner explained what went down and Taylor was silent.

“I’ve never asked you or Kurt exactly what you do, what your jobs are when you disappeared for weeks or months at a time.”

“Then don’t ask now. Let me take care of our family. You and Kurt watch over Mercedes while I’m gone.”

Taylor nodded his head.

“Nothing better go wrong, or I’m going to be seriously pissed off at you.”

Warner nodded his head.

“I’ll do anything for Mercedes. I’d give my life if necessary.”

“So would Kurt and I. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Chapter 9

“I don’t understand how this happened. Who are these men?” Jeff asked Randall over the phone.