She didn’t know what came over her but she smacked his face and he loosened his grip.

She wasn’t going to get taken again. She didn’t know what the hell was going on.

“You bitch.” He scolded, gripping her upper arm so tight she nearly fell to her knees but he wouldn’t let her.

“Let go.”

“Get your fucking hands off of her.”

The guy released her arm as she heard Warner’s voice and then saw Warner punch the guy, throw him to the ground then onto his belly, and cuff him.

Kurt pulled her against his chest and led her away from the man along with Monroe, Caldwell, Will, and Hank. Leo, Max, and the others remained nearby and stopped Warner from beating the crap out of the guy.

“What the hell happened? Who was that guy?” Kurt asked her as he caressed her hair from her cheek and held her against the wall in the hallway. The others were there. She felt the tears in her eyes and then Caldwell touched her shoulder and took her hand into his.

“You’re hurt,” he said and Kurt’s eyes darkened. She could see the veins by his neck and his eyes bulging he was so angry.

“I’m okay. I’m okay, Kurt.” She hugged Kurt, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and he hugged her tight.

* * * *

“You are going to answer my fucking questions or I’m going to start tearing you apart limb from fucking limb,” Warner threated the guy who tried to take Mercedes. He had him in a chair, handcuffed in Danny’s office. Max was there as well as Danny, Hank, and Monroe. The others were with Mercedes and the women, including Taylor, who’d just arrived.

“I got rights. You can’t ask me shit. I was just trying to pick her up.”

“Bull fucking shit. Talk, or feel fucking pain,” Warner said and then pressed his thumb into the guy’s shoulder in a spot that he knew would cause massive pain.

The man cried out.

“Who the fuck are you? You work for R.J.S. National or something? I was just seeing if she was as good-looking in person as the pictures. I don’t have a fucking million dollars. But fuck is she worth it.”

Warner slugged him.

“Warner, you can’t kill him. I can’t stand here and let you do this. Let’s get the information and take it from here,” Max said to him.

“Sorry, Max, but this whole case just got a lot fucking worse,” Warner replied.

Just then someone knocked on the door. Danny opened it and Slick, Pinto, Breaker, and Gemini were there.

“This the fucking asshole?” Gemini asked.

Warner nodded.

Pinto looked at the sheriff and the others then back at Warner.

“We are taking him in for questioning. Miami is involved,” Pinto told Warner.

Warner was shocked and his expressions showed it.

“What’s going on and who is Miami?” Max asked.

“Max, you have to trust me and let my friends leave with this guy. It’s the only way to keep Mercedes safe and possibly save other women’s lives,” Warner told him.

Max held his gaze and then nodded his head.

“But I expect to be kept in the loop.”

“You got it,” Warner said to Max then looked at Pinto then at the guy who’d tried taking his woman.