“Alicia actually helped to decorate and come up with the great wall art and memorabilia,” Marlena informed them as she gave Alicia’s arm a hug.

“That stained glass artwork behind the bar is so gorgeous and unique. Love that, too, Alicia,” Adele said to her and she thanked them.

Mercedes finished her drink and then stood up.

“I need to use the ladies’ room,” she said.

“Oh, I’ll go, too,” Alicia told her and before they could get past the table, Monroe stopped them.

“Where are you going?”

“Ladies’ room,” Alicia replied.

He nodded his head and followed them. But as he got to the hallway, someone stopped him, asking some questions.

Mercedes sighed as they entered the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” Alicia asked.

“I guess so,” she said as she opened the stall and went inside.

“You know they love you so much. Max has never seen Warner, Kurt, and Taylor act like this. In love. Seemingly happy, and he knows that it’s because of you,” Alicia told her from the other stall.

Mercedes exited and washed her hands then looked at her lipstick.

“I doubt it’s because of me,” she said and Alicia came out.

“Well his friends would know. Max would. It’s his job to know about things like this.”

Mercedes smiled at her.

“It’s crazy, isn’t it? How we all came here to Chance, met one another, became friends, and never expected to fall in love.”

Alicia smiled. “It sure is. But I’m glad I took a chance on Max, Monroe, and Caldwell. Though it wasn’t a smooth courting,” Alicia said and smirked.

“But it worked out. I hadn’t wanted to take a chance, at getting close to anyone, at opening up my heart, never mind falling in love. I could have lost that chance.”

“Hey, that was a freak thing. It’s in the past. You have your future with Warner, Kurt, and Taylor. Hey, when is Taylor going to get here? It’s almost nine,” Alicia asked.

“I don’t know. Soon, I hope,” Mercedes said then winked at Alicia.

Alicia hugged her arm as they exited the bathroom.

“I know exactly what you mean,” Alicia said and they laughed as they headed down the hallway.

The place was crowded as they came to the main area. Alicia was ahead of her and then Mercedes felt the hand on her arm. She swung around and some big, tall guy was staring at her and then he looked at his cell phone and then back at her.

“Let go of me,” she demanded and tried pulling away.

“You’re her. I found you,” he said and then began pulling her the other way and toward the exit.

She planted her feet and tried pulling back as she yelled, drawing attention from those around her.

He stopped and pulled her close. She was shaking.

“Over a million dollars they want for you. But I found you. You’re mine.” He licked his lips.

“And you’re fucking hotter than your pictures. And your fucking tits are huge.”