Kurt’s expression was straight faced. She swallowed hard. Maybe he did have a mean streak after all. Perhaps she really needed to push for answers about what Warner and Kurt do for a living.

“Let’s sit and eat before it gets cold,” Taylor said, placing the dish of scrambled eggs onto the table. Kurt held out a chair for her and she sat down between him and Warner. Taylor took the seat across from her.

Taylor looked at his brothers and then at her as they served her eggs and bacon before serving themselves.

“Next time I get to sit next to my woman.” He pouted and then winked at her. She felt her belly tighten and she got all giddy inside. These men were so incredible. She was seeing sides of them she didn’t know existed.

She took a bite of eggs and everyone was quiet. She couldn’t help but to wonder about Kurt and Warner’s jobs so she asked.

“What exactly do the two of you do for a living?”

She looked at Kurt who glanced at Warner and then at Taylor. Warner kept chewing and then Kurt put his fork down.

“It’s not a job we can discuss with you,” he said and she felt the rush of insult, sadness, maybe a bit of negativity about herself and how they saw her. Wh

y couldn’t they tell her? Was she not important enough? Did they not think of her the way she thought of them?

“We’re not at liberty to discuss our jobs, what we’ve been involved in, and continue to be involved in, with anyone. Don’t take offense to it, Mercedes,” Warner said in that tone he had that was all commanding and in charge.

She lowered her eyes. “I’m not offended,” she whispered and then picked her fork up and pretended like the comment didn’t bother her.

Warner placed his arm over the back of her chair and caressed her hair.

“Don’t be insulted or upset. Our jobs are with the government, honey. We do things that no one can know about.”

“Dangerous things?” she asked, looking at Warner.

“Yes,” he whispered.

She glanced at his chest and he followed her line of sight. He lifted her hand and placed her palm over the more recent scar he had.

“You have nothing to worry about. I’m not going to continue that job. My focus is on you and my brothers. All the things I’ve done in the past, the missions, the fighting, the surviving, are behind me. You’re my number one priority.” He pressed her closer by the back of her shoulder and neck and he kissed her.

She felt so connected to these men. She worried, and her mind wondered how dangerous their jobs were and whether they killed anyone or came close to death themselves. But she didn’t ask them. It would be rude and it wasn’t right to ask such a question. She glanced at Kurt who stared at her.

“You still look like you have questions.”

“No I don’t,” she said to Kurt and then took a bite of her forkful of eggs.

Kurt touched her chin and gave her that superior expression. He then raised one of his eyebrows up at her.

“What? I’m not lying.”

“Honey, I can read you like a book. You’re too sweet, too honest and real to hide your emotions,” Kurt said to her and brushed his thumb along her chin.

“You can read me.”

“I sure can. I know when you’re happy and having a good day and when something excites you. I know when you’re worried, and even when you’re afraid.”

“How can you, you hardly know me?” she asked.

“You don’t believe me?” Kurt pushed and she shook her head.

He stared at her and thought about it a moment. She wondered what he was up to.

“How did you like those beautiful yellow flowers you saw at the supermarket?” he asked her.

She squinted her eyes at him.