She closed her eyes and thought about the others. Her friends spoke of different aspects to ménage relationships so often, and Mercedes paid attention. Despite the fact that she didn’t ever want to rely on someone or feel she had to.

God, I’m so tired.

* * * *

Taylor watched Mercedes sleeping. She looked so beautiful. He only wished she didn’t have the bruises on her cheek and her jaw. Her feet were curled up underneath her and her hands under her cheek as she slept against the throw pillow. Her home was neat and she had very little items around. He often wondered what her place might look like. What her bedroom looked like. What she slept in, if anything at all.

He felt his dick harden beneath his pants and he shifted. He reached over and caressed her thigh. She scrunched up her face and made a sound like she was afraid or uncomfortable and then she jerked. Her eyes popped open. She looked around the room and locked gazes with him.

“You’re okay,” Taylor told her.

“I know,” she said, sounding kind of snappy.

She sat up, ran her fingers through her hair, and then swallowed hard.

“I’m sorry, but I’m tired. I need to go to bed. So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow maybe?” she asked as she stood up.

“We’re not leaving you,” Kurt told her.

She looked at him as Taylor took her hand then stood up.

“I’ll walk you to bed.

“You don’t have to stay. I’ll need to get up early for work tomorrow,” she told them.

“You can take another day. Max won’t mind,” Warner told her.

“But I mind. I don’t miss work. I need the money, so it’s not your decision, it’s mine,” She said and headed toward her bedroom.

As she got to her room and was about to close the door, Warner was there. He pressed the door open. His large palm against the white wooden door looked huge. Hell, he was huge all over.

He stepped forward into her room and she stepped back until her calves touched the edge of the bed.

“It is my business. It became my business the moment we decided to make you our woman. It’s even more so my business, because some assholes tried to take you,” he said and then pulled her close. She gasped as she felt his hand at her lower back then his other hand move under her hair by her neck and cup her head. He tilted her head up toward him.

“We’re not leaving you. As we discussed earlier, things are going to change because you are our woman. You want us, like we want you, right, Mercedes?” he asked her and she didn’t hesitate. She nodded her head. His brown eyes roamed over the cleavage of her chest. Then to her lips right before he kissed her.

That kiss grew deeper very quickly. Then she felt herself being lowered over the bed and her back hit the comforter with ease as Warner held her.

He explored her mouth as he spread her thighs with his one leg and then maneuvered his fingers to her waist. He pressed his fingers under the elastic waistband and she wanted to feel his touch so badly she ached down there, more than her cheek and jaw ached.

She knew if she let him touch her there, stroke her pussy and make her come, that she would want more. She would want to have sex for the very first time and she was just too insecure and scared.

But Warner, Taylor, and Kurt did things to her. They touched her heart and made her want them. She wanted all they were willing to give and for however long.

She gripped his wrist as she pulled from his mouth.

“Please don’t, Warner. I’m not ready,” she said to him. His expression was dark, and he looked older, experienced, and she wondered if she should let him touch her down there so that he wouldn’t know how inexperienced she was.

“This body is going to belong to my brothers and I. We will never hurt you or do something to you to scare you or make you feel bad.”

“I know that. I understand. But everything you’re telling me is new. I need slow, Warner,” she told him, even though her body wanted fast. It wanted her to beg for sex, for mercy. For whatever a woman begs for when a man plays her pussy strings like an instrument.

He stared at her, running his palm from her belly to her breast. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over her nipple. Despite wearing a bra she felt it harden and she parted her lips.

“Your body knows, Mercedes. You’re so responsive to my touch. Don’t fight it no matter what your fears are, we’ll work through them,” he said and lowered his lips to hers and kissed her gingerly. She hadn’t expected the pinch to her nipple, or the flow of cream that had her lifting her pelvis up against his waist.

He pulled back and stared into her eyes.